Let me start by saying I stayed up until 12:30 last night (this a.m.) reading The Tender Bar, my book club book. It was a really moving book. Anyway a few hours later a little face with dark eyes was looking into mine through the darkness. Now does this scare the heebie jeevies out of you or is it just me? Every time a mini shows up in my room in the middle of the night I'm nervous. I'm talking heart palpitations! This particular 3 yr version of my minis had spotted a monster under his bed. And, being I was scared, nervous and tired, I broke my OWN rule and let my little monster climb into our bed. We have a first floor master and I just couldn't fathom getting up and taking him upstairs. So he settled in between us and fitful sleep ensued. You know the wild feet kicking your side and me afraid to roll over on him. Then, what seemed like mere minutes later, a taller version of my minis appeared at my bedside. His problem? Oh, his throat was dry and he wanted a "cold drink of water". WTH? Both of them in the same night and at my side of the bed no less. I focused on the clock and noted with horror that it was 4:29 a.m. That was it. I looked at the awake mini in the bed, picked him up and off to the kitchen we went with the other mini in search of a "cold drink of water." I marched everyone upstairs and told mini#2 that there are no monsters and to stay in his bed. I took a quick look backwards as I left his room and his bed looked empty until I realized he covered his entire body with the covers. Good. Less chance for future monsters to hone in on him.
As I walked back to my bedroom I realized that I get far more agitated when my precious sleep is interrupted now that the kids are older than I did when they were infants. Why is that? I think I was just sleepwalking then...going on autopilot....surviving. Now I guess I secretly think: "Hey. Wait a minute. I did my time. Leave me alone. Mama needs sleep. And let's not forget you also have a Daddy. Wake him up!" Is this just me or are there other grouchy mamas around?
I've had a raging sinus headache all day. The weather in Chicago SUCKS. It's sunny today, but downright cold. My head is about to explode. I need 70s again!!
#1 was sick yesterday. Threw up all over his bedroom floor. He fell asleep last night at 6:45pm and didn't wake up until 7am this morning. I was worried about him but his little body just needed rest. #2 woke up at 5:30am this morning - unusually early for him - wanting milk. God bless him, my husband went in with a sippy cup and bought us another 1.5 hours of sleep.
Get to bed early tonight!
I am so stinky about being woken up. I mean horrible! Even when Landon was an infant! He's still stuck in the crib! That is so funny the little face in the dark. Thanks for your awesome comments on my blog!
momx2- That sinus headache is the worst. You go to bed early, too. I had it over the weekend. And throw up anywhere is horrible. I feel for you. A friend emailed me today and her son was up last night, too!
Mrs- keep him in the crib for a while. It's heaven! No wandering in the night!
I can't stand for someone to wake me up. When my boys come into our room at night, they usually go to my husband first. I have this uncontrollable reaction of a shrill 'scream' when someone walks over to the side of the bed while I'm asleep. Too many horror movies?
It's really annoying. However, they know I'll put them in my bed, whereas Daddy will take them back to theirs. So it's a gamble for them. Crazy Mommy... or firm Daddy. Ha.
Belle- The kids usually go to Daddy, too. I'm usually "mean" mommy and we have "nice" daddy so not sure why they came to me in the first place! I can't scream. My heart just stops in fear for a few seconds!
here's a comment from a "mean mommy.." - thanks for your honesty......a lot of the other mom blogs go on and on about baking cookies for their precious flowers......
Anonymous. You're welcome. Keepin it real around here. And I bake cookies, but foremost for ME and then the kids. :)
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