While munching on pizza and tuning out our 5 children, I told my friend about the Dr. Phil show and she knows someone who has MRSA. We both used extra hand sanitizer today. That's for sure. At one point I had to take mini#2 to go potty and I gave him our command "Hands Up" while he pee-pees in a public restroom. However, he lost his balance and (GASP) touched the toilet. Seat was up! I nearly passed out cold in the floor. I quickly scrubbed his hands semi-raw and returned to the germ pool. On our way out mini#2 was a tad (read: monumentally) upset about not being able to get a Fun Dip because we didn't have enough freakin tickets! He then threw himself on the nasty floor crying and, again, MRSA flooded my thoughts! That and wondering....why did I want a second child? Mini#2 didn't even get his tiny 20 ticket piece of candy after that display of "threeness"! Anyway, the kids are wiped out and Mr. Pink has finished scrubbing away all traces of Chuck E. Cheese from the minis in their freshly cleaned tub. I had no time to post earlier. I decided to Clorox wipe the phones, the computer keyboard, the mouse, the faucets, the door knobs and anything else that got in my path. Now that I've scared you all, get to it! Clean that keyboard and mouse!

Ok- quick update on last night's The Bachelor. Mr. Brit kissed just about everyone last night. We saw the first hot tub scene. We all knew that was coming! Shayne, once again, showed us she's a little bi polar and everyone hates Robin. Erin, Amy, and Kristin were left without a rose.
Kind of dull last night, but I was ironing while viewing. I guess the show was more interesting than the ironing!
Public bathrooms are sooooo off limits to me. I have an anxiety attack everytime I have to take one of my boys. Yes, I also shout the "hands up". "Don't touch the wall!" "I'll open the door! Don't touch!" I have always told them that Chuck E. was closed for remodeling or McDonald's Playplace was shut down for the day. I know. Bad Mommy. :)
Mrsa is scary. Can't even think about it!!!!The bachelor is annoying me a bit. Hate lorenzo lamas' daughter! Such an actress!
The Mrs.- Lorenzo Lamas' daughter needs therapy... a lot of it. Mr. Brit is starstruck though. He'll keep her around so he can meet her parents.
Belle in Bloom- I hate it even more for my husband to take them to the men's public restrooms. Eww.
I think I'll use the "closed for remodeling" next time they ask. Good one!
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