I'm worn out. This week I've stayed up reading too late. It's another Jodi Picoult book, Nineteen Minutes, and I can't put it down. However, it's scary to think about, too. It's about a loner high school boy who ends up killing 10 classmates (popular) at school who had kidded him since kindergarten. It's heart wrenching because it explores the boy's family and their feelings, a one-time friend of the boy dealing with the fact she was spared and her mother having to mend their broken relationship...it's just so real life. She writes so beautifully. You really get into all of her characters' lives and emotions. I highly suggest her books.
Speaking of school...it was finally determined that our neighborhood is being rezoned to the year-round school down the street. This is bittersweet because we (read: me) love mini#1's current old, small-town elementary school. I hate CHANGE. Everyone knows that about me. I'm just now adjusting to life away from Atlanta and we moved here in Aug '06! And YEAR-ROUND? That is so foreign to me. I gave myself a headache last night reading the color-coded calendar for tracks 1-4. I have to give a preference. In this case I'm going to be a follower. My friends and fellow bus stop mates are all going to request the tracks in the same order. Yes, there could be a chance that mini #1's friends and neighbors end up on different tracks. How yucky! So if mini#1 is off in January, our next door neighbor could be in school! It is so overcrowded here. 6000 kids are being rezoned. Some because new schools have been built. And did I mention that school will be starting at 7:45? This is mini #1's current wake-up time. Yikes. Since departing the "working" world for the "WORKING" world, I must say I do enjoy sleeping until 7:30. Guess that will change, too. Ok, enough of my pity party. I'm 30++. I need to get used to change and not create mini change haters. I know this. I need to own this, but can someone at least feel a teensy weensy bit sorry for me?
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3 years ago
I don't blame you for hating those school changes. That is awful! Our school just relocated a few more miles away and I've been whining about that for months now. I can't imagine what you're dealing with -- year round??! Ugh!
As I write we just about missed the bus that comes at 8:20. My husband will take him to the new school, but I have no idea how we will make that happen at 7:15! I guess we'll let him sleep in his clothes to speed things up a bit in the mornings! :)
I feel sorry for you...I would HATE being rezoned, having year round school and startind so early in the AM. My kids, and their mother, just don't move that fast in the morning!
Fortunately we're going to a very good school where we should have gone to begin with (1 mile away. Hello!?), but this mom doesn't move fast in the morning either. And year-round? Yuck. Though most seem ok with this. Not me!
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