It's been a busy weekend. We're all finally feeling better. Mini#2 did have an earache so he's on antibiotics. Unfortunately, he does not like this medicine at all and he's on it for 10 days twice a day. I've gotten smart and added a tsp of water to dilute it slightly. Is this ok? Oh well. It's the only way he'll attempt to take it. This morning I had to pretend each sip was a different food. Once it was strawberries, once chocolate cookies, bananas, pizza... You get the picture. In all I named about 8 things to get it all down while he giggled. We have 7 more days of this!
Anyway I've been thinking that May is a very amorous month because February is filled with birthday parties and new babies around here. Friday night I took dinner to a friend down the street that had baby #2 on Feb. 7. Get this. Her first turned 1 on Dec. 13. Barely fourteen months apart. Yikes. Another neighbor I don't know too well had her 2nd on Super Bowl Sunday. They expected girl#2 and had a boy! I would have freaked. How do you recover from a shock like that? I know I'm late on this one, but I've just made chocolate chip cookies and bought them a gift yesterday to take over on our way out to another birthday party this afternoon. It's kind of nice NOT to have to make a meal for them, but I feel a little guilty, too. The mothers in my Bunco group and playgroup all make meals for our friends that have babies. These women get meals Monday, Wednesday, Friday for at least a month! Is this a southern thing? Just curious. I think it's great, but then I'm kind of glad I didn't have all those meals in Georgia. These ladies can cook. I'd be as big as a house right now if I had had my kids here.
It's Oscar night. I love the red carpet interviews best and miss Joan and Melissa Rivers. Joan really knew how to embarrass herself. I went to see Juno with my friend and college roommate Friday night so I could at least say I saw one oscar nominated film this year. We had a nice time catching up over some appetizers before the movie. We also went to high school together in another city I admit this...we're having our 20th reunion this year. Neither of us can believe it's been that long. We're excited to see/hear what everyone did with themselves or didn't as I'm sure could also be the case. We had 540 in our graduating class and we probably discussed half of them Friday night. My friend and I left for college 2 weeks after we turned 18. Our b-days are 5 days apart. We were just babies! Now we talk about our babies. The circle of life they say. Ok, off to jump in dreaded inflatables. I'll be standing back with a somewhat fake smile drinking a diet coke counting the minutes 'til this party is over. Ha! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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3 years ago
I think the meals thing is a playgroup/other women's group thingy. When I was in Moms' Club in California we did the same. Our Junior League will also occasionally help with meals for members, but not as often as the Moms' Club. I think it is a really nice thing to do. When S was born we were living on the prep school campus and several members of the on campus faculty or their wives brought us meals, it was really nice.
Our hospitality committee did it in Atlanta, too. It is a nice thing to do. I agree. I just feel like these babies will never stop in this neighborhood. Ha! :)
Our hospitality committee did it in Atlanta, too. It is a nice thing to do. I agree. I just feel like these babies will never stop in this neighborhood. Ha! :)
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