Friday, February 15, 2008

Old Friends (I hate the word "old". Forever young is better.)

Just returned from a nice lunch with my former roommate. She and I lived together just out of college when we were newly thrown into the real world. I remember we used to go eat at "Darryl's" restaurant on her discount. She waitressed lunch through dinner and job searched in the mornings. We still partied like college and had tons of fun times. When we moved back to NC from Atlanta in '06 she was living in the city we ultimately settled. Unfortunately we just don't see each other enough!

The place we went to today to celebrate her birthday is so cute. It's a cafe/gift shop combo. My heart sped up a bit when I saw all the cute napkins/patterns/black and white color combo accessories. I would love to have a gift shop. I forgot to mention that mini#2 joined us. He was in rare form. We had a short wait in which I had to chase him around without bumping into displays. One time he ended up under a table piled high with baby gift items. I was mortified.During lunch he pitched a few mini 2 yr old fits. Therefore friend and I had to stop and start a few topics and even try to remember where we left off. She and her husband don't have any children so I'm sure our lunch just postponed that even longer.

While there I also saw a sorority sister that I hadn't seen in years. She moved back to NC from CA a year before we did. She has 2 daughters. My lunch friend who also knew this girl commented that I should be the one with girls and sorority girl should have the boys. She knows me well. I'm such a girl, but wouldn't trade my boys for the world. Back to the mini#2, the little devil. He was a pure angel in the car on the way home. It figures.

Ordered this yesterday from The Pink Giraffe. I've wanted one for a while. Of course my monogram will be pink, not blue. Can't wait to see it.


Gabi said...

I am wearing my monogrammed baseball hat as I type this! I also got some for my boys. LOVE the Pink Giraffe! I actually am also wearing my monogrammed clogs from there too! :) Is it too much? I am sure you will love your hat. Makes carpool line so much more bearable! :)

Pink in a sea of blue said...

I'm jealous. I wanted to get one for my younger son, but only saw the "toddler" hat. He's be 3 next month so don't think it will fit. I thought she used to have a "child's" hat. :( I love that site, too.

The Mrs. said...

I absolutely love the name of your blog! Brilliant. I too should have a girl! Maybe next time around!!!