Well, it's Feb. 5 and I've exercised a total of 5 times this new year. Not so good, but way better than December where I didn't even let exercise enter my thoughts. I'm gradually trying to add minutes on our elliptical machine. Last night after a rigorous 3 minutes I got off the machine (gasping for air) and moved to the giant exercise ball for crunches. This is the ball that is usually hurled down the stairs by mini#1 for entertainment. Well last night mini #2 saw me and found a considerably smaller ball and sat on it like me to work off some baby fat. How ironic. I was working off baby fat, too. His!
We had a fun time playing and watching football this weekend. Yes, you heard me correctly...I played football Sunday with the family at our neighborhood soccer fields. Some of you are probably laughing hysterically right now because that is so un-girly. But hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Mini#2 throws footballs at me all day long during the week and lately my hands instinctively go up to catch them. It's far better than being hit in the head. I've finally learned. He thinks he's Phillip Rivers (ex-NCSU QB playing for San Diego Chargers) and wants to wear his brother's Rivers jersey all the time! Just 2 minutes ago he came up to me with that d@#*
jersey wanting to wear it again. His freshly ironed going out on errands shirt was nowhere on his body. He said it had syrup all over it. Mom was blogging you see. He kept begging to wear it and said "but I said pleassse". I redirected his attention to a snack (unfinished breakfast). Note to self: HIDE RIVERS JERSEY.
Ok off to look for ideas for mini#2's upcoming 3rd birthday party. I'm leaning towards a western or farm animal theme. Any suggestions for crafts/games?
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3 years ago
How funny that you also call your boys "minis".
I got that from Bridget Jones' books or either Jane Green books (another Brit). They all seem to call their kids "minis" in UK.
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