Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Princess Diana
It has been 11 years today since Princess Diana died. So sad. So tragic. I still miss her! I followed her fascinating life as a little girl and throughout my life. I had glossy books. I made scrapbooks with any piece of published information I could find. I loved her! She felt like a friend. That fateful night 11 years ago I was living in Atlanta and had returned home late from a Labor Day party when I received a voice mail from my mom telling me that she had been in a serious car accident. I turned on the TV and received blatant confirmation of my mom's message in the form of crash site pictures and the constant rerunning of the footage of her leaving the Ritz Paris. I had been watching mere minutes when they announced her death. I was in complete shock. Numb. Mr. Pink and I went to Jamaica that Monday morning and I watched TV coverage there. I remember aching watching her grieving sons. I think she would be proud of them today. Where were you when you heard this news?
I will never forget either.....I was moving from Atlanta to PA/NJ (to be closer to my "boyfriend"..now husband) It was a terrible day...she is truly missed.
I was visiting my future in-laws at their home in Southern Illinois. My fiance and I stayed up all night watching CNN and he held me as I cried...
It is still very sad that she died so young, but her boys are a wonderful legacy to her beauty and good deeds.
I was just thinking about her passing "anniversary" the other day. I lived here in ATL, too, but was in Iowa visiting my mom before leaving on a 2 week business trip. While I was on the trip the funeral, etc. happened and I remember watching the TV coverage whenever I could I can't believe it's been 11 years!
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