I finally ordered the skirt I have been salivating over at J. Crew. It's a denim pencil skirt with a little stretch in the material. Love it! If you've been reading for a while you know I love J. Crew for the minis, but try to restrain myself from making purchases pour moi. Remember, you're a SAHM, I remind myself daily. No workie, no extra checkie. However, when I won the gracious J. Crew gift card from Jillian, Inc. as one of her fabulous blogiversary giveaways, I told her I would spend it on ME. Another blog friend, Momx2 turned me onto this great "new" blog, J.Crew Aficionada that I read from time to time and where I found a discount code for items in their fall catalog. It's F5X73L (15% off full priced items; expires 8.30.08) if you want it. So with gift card and code in hand I set out to make my purchase on the internet because the skirt was not yet in our J. Crew store. However, I'm glad I went into the store because I tried on a similar skirt and found I had to go down a size! Got to love that! I digress. The J. Crew site was acting very peculiar this morning and I was having trouble all the while it was slowly crawling along through screens. Being _____ (add any of the following: impatient, agitated, pissed) I called the 800 customer service number and a lovely lady (I should have gotten her name to give her proper credit on this post) went ahead and placed my order AND gave me free shipping for my trouble! I had internalized my frustration, too. I only sweetly commented that the site was moving at a snail's pace. SO thanks to Jillian, Inc, Momx2, and sweet customer service lady, this $100 skirt cost me only $38.92. And Mr. Pink wonders what I do all day! I save us big bucks! Thanks ladies for your great blogs!
Hey, it's the least I can do for a pal!
You'll look smokin' in that skirt, I'm sure. I just hope you look happier than the model in that thing!
great deal! enjoy your skirt!
I LOVE it! "No Workie, No Extra Checkie"!! I know what ya mean. However we are all entitled to a little extra happy happy every once in awhile and I belive you got it on that skirt. Because as the saying goes "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy".
What a great deal! You'll look gorgeous in that skirt. Tell Mr. Pink not to worry about what you do all day and to just know his world would collapse without you. ;)
Ohhh..that is one CUTE skirt!! Nice deal on it too!!!
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