First on Saturday, after we got home from the lake, I checked Jillian, Inc.'s (formerly Who Could Ask for Anything More) blog because she was celebrating her 2 year blogiversary last week and was having some awesome giveaways (Starbucks, Target, Border's, J. Crew, Vera Bradley). She announced the big winners, and I mean big, yesterday. I won a $50 giftcard to J. Crew! I was so surprised! I promised her that I will use it for ME and not the minis. Yey me and thank you so much Jill. You are so generous! Congrats on 2 years!

Second, note the above pictures. This man is now 58, but in my heart he makes me feel 12 again! When I was 12, my first concert was to see Rick Springfield. I loved me some Dr. Noah Drake on General Hospital. Don't tell my mom. I wasn't allowed to watch soap operas, but secretly watched GH daily! It was REAL love! I wished I was Jessie's Girl. Fast forward to 2000. I saw him in concert again with my BF in Atlanta and 3 other colleagues from work at classy Chastain Park in Atlanta. I had to act a little more civilized, but I remember at one point calling Mr. Pink on my cell and screaming "Can you hear him???". So much for being civilized.
So eight years and 2 kids later, BF bid on backstage tickets and seats to his concert Saturday night in the Atlanta area and won. She wanted me to go, but I couldn't since I'm going out of town (alone) next weekend. That's asking a bit much of Mr. Pink. However, I demanded a play by play of the concert and the backstage visit. The picture on left is one she sent me from the concert! She said she doesn't care how old he is, he still has a six-pack (he had to change shirts in front of everyone apparently) and that this concert was better than the one in 2000. Thanks a lot for rubbing it in! Anyway, she, as well as yours truly, now have autographed pictures from Mr. Rick Springfield. Thanks BF! I'll have to find a nice silver Pottery Barn frame so I can prominently display it amongst all my family photos for friends and guests to enjoy.
Pre-concert I told BF she better tell him I'm his number one fan when she met him backstage, but I don't think she did that. She probably tried to claim that fact as her own! I'm just saying (as clemsongirl says).
1 comment:
You lucky girl!
thanks for the nice comment and good thoughts. You're too sweet.
Hunny won't be traveling with us, just my sisters and the kids, so he'll be here to receive the pkg. Thanks so much! I actually didn't get yours mailed out until today, so be watching for it in a couple. I live it a small, small town so sometimes it can take longer. Have a great week!
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