Two days and four hours until I leave this house, these kids and Mr. Pink to have some fun with 9 other equally stressed, underpaid mommies. To kick off the festivities, one mommy arranged for us to have a
pedi party at our local salon last night. Let me just say, we were all looking tired and ready to leave last night! But we quickly got into the spirit of the event and started talking about the clothing we were bringing, laughing at the thought of the husbands staying with the kids all weekend and what time we were getting the heck out of here on Thursday. Oh, and can I just say that it was unanimously agreed upon that yours truly would be the one bringing the most clothes/shoes. All I could do was smile graciously and agree right along with them. I'm just like my mom. These women know me well. And, when one of them comes up to me Friday night when their "one" selection fails to please and asks to borrow something of mine, I just may let them. I'm nice that way.
Here's a photo. Poor girl on the end really wanted to leave last night. Actually, she didn't know it was photo time. I'm in the middle. 4
th chair from either side. Oh, and last night we got this year's Beach Party Music CD to kick off the weekend. Sexy Back, When I Grow Up, Gimme More, Low, Buttons,
Bootylicious, In
da Club, Glamorous are just a few of the selections we will, no doubt, hear over and over again.
Take me! Take me! I'm an overstressed Mommy who needs a break ;)
What an awesome night!
I'm SO jealous...what a fun night!
How smart you are to have the girls' beach trip at the end of the summer when you really need it...ours (always in May) is a very distant memory! Have a great time & have a few margaritas for me!
Oh I am jealous!!! Thanks for the suppport on your last comment! Yeah....that story tops mine! What nerve??? Where is the common sense??? I have to spend the weekend with my ILs! Pray for me!!!
Pinkpolkadot- come on doen. You're close!
Southern Fried- Yes, we definitely need it. You need to change yours to August!
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