Ahhh. True love. Shayne and Mr. Brit, ok Matt, together forever. We'll see about that. Nonetheless, I liked Shayne last night and Chelsea was getting on my nerves. Chelsea reminded me a little of a super hero in that dress at the end. Or Greek goddess? And she got a little nasty about her competition at the end didn't she? Didn't she call Shayne the "fakest" girl there? I did get so tired of Matt calling Shayne his "little monkey". That would get old. Quick. Was it just me or did that seem to be the easiest final ceremony to get through in a long time? Usually I'm biting my nails and nervous right along with them. Last night I actually relaxed, still have my fingernails, and laughed. I laughed at Shayne's comment informing Matt he had to promise not to look at any more girls from here on out because he'd already done that a little too much in their relationship. Clever. And, in the end, Mr. Brit didn't look too shabby either. All that tropical sun agrees with him. Best wishes to them both. May it be the best six (five) months they ever have.
Went out searching for the cell phone today. No luck. I feel lost without it. Did I say that in my last post? Looks like we'll be getting new phones soon. Anyway we still have Atlanta telephone numbers and we've been in NC 20 months! This is a change I think I can handle. However, I will miss the photo I had of mini#1 sitting in my very pregnant lap moments after having his tonsils out. That picture has welcomed me to my phone for 3 years now. Yes, it's definitely time for a new phone though isn't it? I think I want a pink(duh) one.
I think I got sucked into the cheeziness of it all and actually quite liked them as a couple at the end. My big gripe is this: until the very end he's telling both girls he's "falling in love" with them? HUH? I just don't buy that you are possibly in love with 2 people at the same time and that you have to weigh your decision like it's a Camry versus an Accord. Love doesn't work that way, IMO. I know it's the whole Bachelor 'schtick' but I hate it. I would just once love to see the Bachelor say to his family, "You know, both girls are lovely but I know who I love - the other girl is SOL." Ain't gonna happen, obviously, because that would ruin the suspense of it.
Anyway, I agree - I give them 6 months. Enough time for him to escort her on the red carpet a few times and pose for the paparazzi.
Mom- You crack me up with the car comparison. Yes the bachelors used to be more guarded with their words towards the final didn't they? And, let's be honest. It seemed he had "lust" for Chelsea and not "love". I thought they were going to need a hose to separate them during the goodbye at the hotel door that final night. Watch Ellen tomorrow. The happy couple will be guests.
I am a total sap because I love how he calls her monkey! I loved them together from the start so loved the ending. So glad they didn't pull the bait and switch at the end. I think they make the bachelor have two even though they really just want one. I think that's why they say falling in love not in love sometimes. Please I am falling in love with everything J crew makes! LOL. I hope they last I really do.
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