It's that time again. To do something no-so-pink. That happens a lot when you're pink in a sea of blue. Many of you may remember that 80's movie
Bull Durham. Kevin Costner, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins. Well that movie was based on the real minor league team, the Durham Bulls. In college I frequently used to go to those games in their old stadium. Fast forward several years, they're in a new stadium and it's now the ultimate family experience. We have not been to a game since we returned to the area. Tonight mini#2 and I will join Mr. Pink, mini#1 and their cub scout group (opps. den.) to take in a game. Mini#2 is on cloud nine. Driving to Duke University Hospital to pick up MIL, we would pass this stadium on our way and he would always say "I want to go to the Durham Bills." Finally he'll get his wish. After this long week, I could be sitting in an auto parts store and be thrilled about it. Just to get a breather will be nice. The cool thing is that the cub scouts and Mr. Pink will be camping out on the field after the game! Mini#1 is super excited about this. Mrs. Pink will not be camping out. I will return home to MIL, comfy bed and air conditioning. There may be a glass of wine and a movie thrown in somewhere- if not too late when we return. Have a nice weekend!
Enjoy! I used to do the TIP program at Duke each summer in jr high and high school and they ALWAYS took us to a Bulls game... that was in the old orange and blue stadium. Fun times...
I wonder if I will be pink in a sea of blue! I have Landon and wonder what I'll get when we ever have another!
Hello. I love your blog. Stop by, I have something for you.
Thanks Amber!
IP- Yes, we used to go to the old orange/blue stadium, too. It was more of an experience then, but of course I wasn't with 2 kids either!
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