So I think I mentioned that I have been reading Judy Blume's Superfudge to mini#1. We try to read a chapter a night after he's read something else to me. Well sometimes it's too late to read and sometimes he doesn't follow instructions and I take away my reading to him as punishment. That crushes him. He's so into this book and, apparently, I do a good impression of the little brother, Fudge. I've really enjoyed reading this to him because, one of the few things I remember and liked about fourth grade, was my hippie, ex-smoker, chalk-chewing teacher (because he quit smoking), Mr. Boling, reading these books to us after lunch. I stumbled across this book at Target a few weeks ago and got it for mini#1 for his birthday.
Now what I didn't remember was the exact story line. So last night as we finished a chapter I happened to note the title of the next chapter: "Santa Who?" Now that caused my mommy senses to perk up to "high alert". Thank goodness for the mommy senses. I went downstairs, book in hand, and decided that I ought to get a preview of this next chapter. Ah Ha! Just as I suspected! Ms. Blume was about to get ME to tell my child there is no Santa Claus. Oh no. Santa Claus needs to stick around a bit longer at the White house. It's one of the best parts of being a parent in my opinion. It's one of the best parts of being a child! It's magical! Mini#1 just turned 7. I don't know how much longer I have anyway, but Santa will not disintegrate into a puff of smoke on Wednesday, May 7 as I read aloud to my mini. You may be asking yourself, what will Mrs. Pink do? Do not fear. Mrs. Pink has made careful, inconspicuous marks in the book to divert her to a new paragraph or sentences throughout this rocky chapter. An entire section will be omitted. Heavy editing to say the least. I couldn't just skip the chapter because mini#1 saw the title, too and thinks Ms. Blume is covering all of the holidays. So wish me luck and make a mental note about this if you, too want to read this book to your minis. Spread the word to your friends and fellow bloggers. Keep good ole Saint Nick alive as long as you can!
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3 years ago
Good thinkin' on your part! There is 1 woman in our neighborhood who told her 4yo daughter there is no Santa (who does this???). That poor child is persona non grata the whole fall season as no one wants her spilling the beans to their kids.
I loved Superfudge. I also loved the Henry Huggins books. You might look into those for your oldest. They're written by Beverly Cleary.
I totally agree! It was really hard this past Christmas. My oldest was 9yrs at the time and was hearing a lot at school. He told me what other kids said about no Santa. I told him that was sad. Now Santa wouldn't come and their parents were going to have to pick up the slack. Not fun. He agreed. I'm afraid that was our last "real" Santa Christmas, though. He's now 10yrs.
Also, (sorry for the long comment) Little One and I were in the doc's office yesterday and a dad and his daughter were in front of us in line. She had lost a tooth and was telling the nurse the tooth fairy came last night. Then, he said,"But you know who the real tooth fairy is, right? Mommy and Daddy." Little One looked up at me puzzled as he just got a visit last week from the tooth fairy. I gave him the "isn't that sad" speech like the Christmas one. I could have punched that Dad in the arm! Keep it to yourself, mister! I have a believer here!
Mom/Belle- there's always "that" parent who, for some reason, chooses to ruin it for the rest of us! They're the same parent who won't let their kid trick or treat because it's satanic or something.
Belle- you should have slapped the man. :) That ticks me off.
Mom- I forgot about Henry Huggins. I was more into Ramona the Brave books by Cleary. I'll look for HH.
Last night, Older One started reading "Old Ben" by Jesse Stuart. It is such a sweet story. We live in Jesse Stuart's hometown and had never read any of his books! We haven't finished it yet, but so far we really like it.
Thanks Belle. I'll have to look for it.
Great catch! I hope it goes smoothly. My almost 4 year old didn't *really* understand about Santa last year, so I'm looking forward to the coming Christmas. It should be super fun this year.
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