I feel like I quickly brushed over my mother-in-law's illness in the last post. Mainly, because I was tired. Not a super excuse though! I really appreciate the kind comments and emails I've received wishing us well. I wanted to explain just a little further. She was diagnosed (early it appears) on Halloween day last year. What started out as suspected gall bladder issues became a pancreatic cancer diagnosis. This is scary because her father died of pancreatic cancer in the early 90's. Now, it could be genetic so we are looking for Mr. Pink to be tested for this strain of cancer...a lot to swallow at once. We are taking red meat out of our diets (hard for Mr. Pink), I've bought him men's vitamins to take, and just praying it won't happen to him. However, I can't live worrying. That's NO way to live, but it's hard not to think about. Anyway, MIL moved in with us mid November through the end of January to undergo chemotherapy and radiation! She made it through it all, but it was tough. Dehydration, tiredness (the REAL kind), etc. She moved back to her home, 2 hours away, in early February and hasn't been here except for a couple of doctor visits (she's getting treatment at DUKE Hospital, close to our home). Now this surgery finally occurred last week and she'll recover and live with us again. Once she is able, chemo will start again. All of this happening while living with her only grandchildren. So you can imagine how difficult this is for her and will be for our kids. We have not used the C word with the kids at all. They just know she's sick. If you remember the play set post, she gave that to the minis for their birthdays, most likely, because she realizes her time is limited with us all. We are so thankful for the time we have with her because our kids need memories, as well as, my husband, her only child.
It's a sad situation, but one we are facing head on and know that God is in control and we continue to have faith in him. This BLOG started at the end of January when MIL was finishing treatments and going back to her home. I had stumbled on other blogs and knew this is what I needed to get out of the blahs I was feeling. It has certainly helped! I've met great people along the way. I still want this to be a source of mental therapy for me so, going forward, I don't want my posts to be as serious as this one is. That's for sure. So I'll try to keep this blog upbeat, but with a touch of the usual cranky, frazzled mom self that you already know I am.
Fridge post will come. I promise. Dare I admit that I still get a little confused downloading pics from our camera (Web pics. I've got those under control. Just not the digitals.)...and Mr. Pink has not been here for any decent amount of time for a week. I kind of hate to say "Um. Honey. Can you please help me download pics for my blog" when he's been sleeping every other night in a hospital chair and then going to work to provide for his family... You think? Ok, sorry this was so long. It's been a long time coming I guess.
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3 years ago
I can't imagine what you're dealing with - both emotionally and also just having your MIL live with you while raising two little men. You're in my thoughts. And I'm hoping all goes well for your mother-in-law.
Found your blog tonight while up having some "mommy time". I will keep you in my prayers. Be thankful of the relationship you have with your MIL. I hardly speak to mine. It is really sad. Your boys are precious!
Ilovepink: Thanks for stopping by. This is harder than I've probably made it seem because my MIL and I are NOTHING alike. She comes home from the hospital this weekend and I'm so dreading it. That's horrible to say. I just know life as we know it will be changing again, but it's something we have to do. Just saw your blog. Your "princess" is so cute! You're lucky you can buy all those sweet dresses.
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