Sunday, August 31, 2008
Still Remembering...

Friday, August 29, 2008
Five on Friday!
1- Today is Michael Jackson's 50th birthday! Madonna turned 50 on the 16th! Can this be? In my mind I still see the one-gloved boy wonder moon walking in sequined outfits in MTV videos (remember when MTV actually broadcast videos?). I see the Material Girl in big tulle hair bows, torn tights and lots of gaudy pearlish/beaded jewelry. I think life was a whole lot simpler for both of them back in the 80's! Don't you agree?

2- The Caylee Anthony missing Florida girl case. I saw on Yahoo that now investigators are confirming that tests show there was evidence of a decomposing body in the trunk of her mother Casey's car. Meanwhile, Casey is out of jail. This case infuriates me. She is so guilty and has already been caught lying about her employment, the baby sitter's name, etc. Then she manages to go out partying on a regular basis while her child is "missing". Was this girl EVER truly a mother?
3- My football team was SHUT OUT last night on ESPN! How embarrassing! And two linebackers sent our first string quarterback to the hospital. I think it's going to be a very long season for the Wolfpack!
4- Mini#2 may be a future hoarder. Is it just my kid or does your kid smuggle items into his/her bed? Case in point, yesterday mini#1 went to wake up mini#2 from his nap (with my permission of course!) and he told me to "Quick, come look!" Upon my arrival Mini#2's bed looked mysteriously lumpy. I pulled back his quilt/comforter and there was his mini 4-piece drum set! He did at least unhook the cymbal and it was somewhat flatter than usual. But that's not all. He also had a book, an Atlanta Braves' batter's helmet and a baseball in his twin bed. My jaw was on the ground, but mini#2 just sleepily smiled at me and said "What?" like nothing was wrong with this!
5- We're going to two Labor Day parties Saturday in the neighborhood and then to the NC Zoo in Asheboro on Sunday where we'll meet my parents and brother. I have not been to this zoo in about sixteen years when I went with an old boyfriend. A lot has changed since then - at the zoo and in my life!
What are your plans?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Blog Friends help my budget!

I finally ordered the skirt I have been salivating over at J. Crew. It's a denim pencil skirt with a little stretch in the material. Love it! If you've been reading for a while you know I love J. Crew for the minis, but try to restrain myself from making purchases pour moi. Remember, you're a SAHM, I remind myself daily. No workie, no extra checkie. However, when I won the gracious J. Crew gift card from Jillian, Inc. as one of her fabulous blogiversary giveaways, I told her I would spend it on ME. Another blog friend, Momx2 turned me onto this great "new" blog, J.Crew Aficionada that I read from time to time and where I found a discount code for items in their fall catalog. It's F5X73L (15% off full priced items; expires 8.30.08) if you want it. So with gift card and code in hand I set out to make my purchase on the internet because the skirt was not yet in our J. Crew store. However, I'm glad I went into the store because I tried on a similar skirt and found I had to go down a size! Got to love that! I digress. The J. Crew site was acting very peculiar this morning and I was having trouble all the while it was slowly crawling along through screens. Being _____ (add any of the following: impatient, agitated, pissed) I called the 800 customer service number and a lovely lady (I should have gotten her name to give her proper credit on this post) went ahead and placed my order AND gave me free shipping for my trouble! I had internalized my frustration, too. I only sweetly commented that the site was moving at a snail's pace. SO thanks to Jillian, Inc, Momx2, and sweet customer service lady, this $100 skirt cost me only $38.92. And Mr. Pink wonders what I do all day! I save us big bucks! Thanks ladies for your great blogs!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Running around, dancing and a transforming bus!
1- Gone to the bank to notarize a preschool form.
2- Gone by the pediatrician to drop off a medical form, sign a release and request immunization records. I'm a little late doing this. It may or may not have slipped my mind. Is the mind the first to go? I'm well on my way.
3- Dropped other paperwork off at the preschool. No one was there. The director wasn't even in her office so I attached an argyle post-it note (thanks Belle in Bloom!) to the paperwork and left it on her desk. Then mini#2 and I located his "duck" class and the playground for a sneak preview. I really played it up, but not necessary. He's already extremely excited to start.
4- Went in search of new tennis shoes for mini#2. First and only stop was Kohl's. Found a pair of slip-on Nike's on sale for $19.99. SOLD! He wore them around the store so he could test out jumping and running. It was precious. He's relishing in all of this preschool attention he's getting. Then I found a Carter's navy jacket with an embroidered-like football on it on sale for $9.80. SOLD! I probably have 15 jackets from mini#1 days, but fear they are probably worn out. Anyway, I love to shop and feel sorry for little man not having his own clothes. I'm nice that way.
We're home, lunch is over and he's napping (or yelling down "Mom, I love you!" every few minutes!). I checked my emails prior to posting. Of course, I get a daily email from PEOPLE magazine. Did you hear the new Dancing With the Stars lineup? I didn't really watch last season, but I'm a little intrigued by this new lineup. I may have to give it a viewing or two. Love Rocco DiSpirito, the chef. He's desperately trying to revive his career, I believe, after some failed business attempts. Anyone watch him on The Restaurant reality show a few years back? And Susan Lucci? Anyway, here's the list:
• Toni Braxton, singer, 40, and season one DWTS champ Alec Mazo
• Lance Bass, singer, 29, and Lacey Schwimmer
• Ted McGinley, actor, 50, and Inna Brayer
• Cloris Leachman, actress, 82, and Corky Ballas
• Warren Sapp, former NFL star, 35, and Kym Johnson
• Rocco DiSpirito, chef, 41, and Karina Smirnoff
• Kim Kardashian, TV personality, 27, and reigning DWTS champ Mark Ballas
• Maurice Green, Olympic gold medalist track and field star, 34, and two-time DWTS champ Cheryl Burke
• Misty May-Treanor, Olympic gold medalist beach volleyball player, 31, and Maksim Chmerkovskiy
• Susan Lucci, Emmy-award winning soap opera actress, 61, and Tony Dovolani
• Jeffrey Ross, 42, comedian, and Edyta Sliwinska
• Cody Linley, 18, actor, and two-time DWTS champ Julianne Hough
• Brooke Burke, 36, TV personality, and Derek Hough

Lastly, I was sad to see the Olympics end. We watched the closing ceremony last night. The Chinese can really put on a show! The British need a little work. I did enjoy seeing the transformer double decker bus! It transformed into a stage and up popped Leona Lewis and Jimmy Page to perform. Of course, David Beckham was aboard and had to kick a soccer ball out to the crowd. A little predictable, but the bus was "awesome" as both minis say! But why did Michael Phelps have to go to London as part of the "closing" or handover to London? I really think he should have remained in China and had more of the spotlight in the ceremony there. Just my opinion. Loved Team USA Ralph Lauren (HUGE emblems!) uniforms. They all looked super preppy. It was comical to see some of the heavily tattooed athletes wearing Ralph Lauren though. Ok, anyone left reading this? This is a "marathon" post! Sorry! Enjoy the rest of your day!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Diamonds are a girl's best friend

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Conversation with a soon-to-be preschooler
Mini#2: A-huh. Mom?
Me: Yes?
Mini#2: Will you be sad about me?
Me: (confused) About going to preschool?
Mini#2: Yes, 'cause you'll be alone!
Me: (slightly lying) Yes, I'll miss you.
Mini#2: Can I get a new lunchbox?
Me: (ever so slightly disappointed) No, baby. You'll be home in time for lunch with me.
Mini#2: (crushed) Oh....
Me: Do you think you'll like your teachers? (Miss Ruthie is already Miss Roofie to him!)
Mini#2: Yes. I not scared of them either.
Me: (laughing) Of course you're not scared of them. You're brave!
The thing is they should be very scared of him...I'm scared to give him to them for 9 hours each week actually. Will he say "fart"? Will he hit some unassuming pre-schooler in the back like he does when his older brother frustrates him? Will he share embarrassing family details? It's funny how when the second child starts school your concerns are completely different than when the first child started school! And I may or may not be singing and dancing to my Girls' Weekend CD approximately 15 mins after I drop him off that first day, September 2.
**I have to add this. Today while I was doing the lovely laundry, mini#2 took it upon himself to go into hiding beside the den sofa. Why you ask? Because he found the jar of peanut butter I had not yet returned to the pantry. When I found him he was sitting with a spoon spooning peanut butter into his already full mouth! He said he was hungry! Oh help us!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tag! You're it!
1- "bowels". Enough said really, but especially when MIL was living with us I had far too many conversations including or revolving around the word "bowels". Ewww. Yuck. Gross.
2- "fixin to". Not a word I know. This is a phrase highly used in the south, but most definitely with Georgians. I learned it when we moved there. It grates on my nerves. For you northerners scratching your heads, "fixin to" means "getting ready to" or "about to".
3- "Ya'll." Another southern word, but I will not use it. I refuse to. "You all" takes a little extra effort, but it's appreciated!
4- "fart". Hate this word. Little boys love this word. We still try to use "toot", which sounds stupid, but it's better than "fart".
5- "vomit". The word sounds like the action to me. I have been lucky that my minis don't do this too often, but it's gross. I hate it and I almost do it when they do it!
So if anyone wants to play along and hasn't go ahead.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Weekend Highlights

Saturday, Mr. Pink headed off to his fraternity house for a work day before students moved back into it for the school year. I took the minis to the pool for a couple of hours and then....yes, I did this on my own....I took the minis to "Meet the Pack" day at our college football stadium. Being Junior Wolfpack Club members (since maybe mere minutes after they entered into this world!) we got to go in early, have ice cream and get into lines for player autographs before the general public. Thankfully I ran into a friend of ours and he told me which line to get into first. The quarterbacks/kickers/punters. Duh! The minis were even given an autograph book upon entry. Mini#2 was in heaven gawking at the players. However, he was a little nervous to stand by one of 3 possible QB's for a picture. It was funny. HE IS SOOOO NOT SHY on any other day!
I could only take going through two lines (offense I believe was the other) before we called it quits. It was slightly WARM in the sun! We did get a photo of #2 standing in front of the table where Coach O'Brien was. The line was just too long to wait to see him. You're bored I'm sure, but I must tell you that #2 sleeps with footballs, helmets and his favorite reading material is the monthly "Wolfpacker" magazine we receive. He scrutinizes every picture and is highly upset when he sees a Tarheel player in any of the photos! Let's just say this magazine provides ME precious minutes of peace.

Sunday, Mr. Pink went to play golf with 3 neighbors (all of whom watched their kids while their wives were at the beach with me last weekend) and then went to the golf tournament in Greensboro. Once again I had entertainment duty with the minis. The highlight was going to our neighborhood's nature trail and visiting the pond to feed the turtles and geese. I'll spare the horrendous walk there when mini#2 was having a meltdown and wanted to stop walking altogether. It's amazing how many turtles there are in that lake/pond. We saw bluish lizards and a couple of frogs along the way and two deer on the way home. A very educational journey I'd say! Then we had neighbors over for pizza since their daddy was with Mr. Pink at the tournament. All in all a very good weekend!

Look for the turtles amongst the geese.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Happy Birthday to me!

Mr. Pink and I are going on a date tonight at a yummy restaurant my friend introduced me to a couple of months ago. This is horrible to say, but it's the first date Mr. Pink and I have been on in a very long time. Everything with the mother-in-law and schedules just pushed dating to the far bottom of our priority list. So I'm looking forward to dressing up, good food and uninterrupted conversation with my husband. Here's the cute dress I found to wear.

It's from GAP! Cheers. Have a nice weekend!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Preppy Paper Swap

Everything was in a black/white/pink hat box. So cute! Belle didn't know that I already have two rectangular boxes in similar patterns on top of my bedroom armoir. I store photos in one and wrapping, ribbon, notes in another. This box makes a perfect addition and looks so cute next to the others.

I received plaid napkins and plates that I will use for book club tomorrow night. Love the pink and brown paisley plates and napkins! Of course there were some preppy pink and green items in the form of note cards and sticky notes. The fleur-de-lis symbol symbol is my fav so she included fleur-de-lis thank you notes and lastly, some preppy plaid notes. She covered all of the preppy styles! Thank you so much. I love it all! This was so much fun.
Off to do some last minute cleaning before my parents and brother arrive for their short visit. Stay sane and don't hurt your kids! Ciao! (Oops! Au revoir...)
Monday, August 11, 2008
I survived "Mommies Gone Wild" weekend!

Thursday, August 7, 2008
See ya later...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Entertainers: Need Your Help!
If so, send your crowd-pleaser recipes to me at: pinkinaseaofblue@yahoo.com or leave me a comment if it's a short recipe. Thanks!
The book I selected was The Beach House by Jane Green. It was so good. A nice, easy summer read. We've read some heavy ones so I'm glad I've started hearing from the girls that they "can't put it down". They all said they wanted a girly, chick book. This is that, but more. I have loved all of the Jane Green books I've read. I highly recommend her books.
Ok, off to the bank to get funds to spend at the beach!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Here's a photo. Poor girl on the end really wanted to leave last night. Actually, she didn't know it was photo time. I'm in the middle. 4th chair from either side. Oh, and last night we got this year's Beach Party Music CD to kick off the weekend. Sexy Back, When I Grow Up, Gimme More, Low, Buttons, Bootylicious, In da Club, Glamorous are just a few of the selections we will, no doubt, hear over and over again.

Monday, August 4, 2008
Lucky Me!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008
All American Weekend

As if we hadn't had enough family fun yesterday, we came home from the lake, showered, and headed off to Durham. We went to the home of the Durham Bulls once again to see a baseball game. However, last night we saw TEAM USA play TEAM Canada days before they fly off to Beijing to compete in the Olympics. How cool! The boys loved it and I did, too. When Mr. Pink made this suggestion I may or may not have had thoughts of "it's going to be hot", "I'm too tired", "baseball again?" Anyway, #2 loved "reading" the program, the 7th inning stretch song and all the snacks while #1 loved dancing to the music and going to the bathroom with his mommy. Not! He's 7 and was horrified when I pulled him into the women's restrooms. Another boy about his age was standing in the doorway, and seeing #1's protest, said "I know exactly how you feel man!" It was so funny. I just wasn't going to let my "baby" go alone in the men's bathroom! We got home at 10:00 and both minis were asleep in the backseat. Amazingly we all made it to church this morning. Today I'm cleaning my closet and Mr. Pink is washing cars. A lack luster day after yesterday, but I'm content to be home. How was your weekend?