We're back. Fun long weekend at the beach. Beautiful weather and not too hot! We went to the pool, went to the beach, flew kites, ate seafood, crossed the only remaining floating bridge on the Inter coastal waterway, read (me), played miniature golf (not me, I let the boys go without me)and just relaxed. MIL was glad to be away, too and we had a perfect view from our condo of the boats going down the waterway.
Today we've already been to Target and bought 2nd grade school supplies. Yes, year round school starts Monday! I've finally accepted this change (it took me about 8 months) and we go to orientation at the new school tonight. Truth be told, I'm actually glad that #1 will be separated from #2 once again. They have been aggravating each other and me. With MIL here we haven't been able to do as much in these last four weeks, but I think I've kept them fairly entertained. That's our job right? To entertain?
Ok, now to other random things. The book I'm devouring is "The Other Boleyn Girl" by Phillippa Gregory. So juicy and crazy to think that life in the 16th century may have been like this. It's a fun read and I don't want it to end. Unfortunately, we all know what happens to Anne Boleyn. Have you read it? It's a little trashy and educational at the same time. I hear all of her other books are just as brilliant. Stepping away from my love of all things French, I also watched some Wimbledon tennis this weekend and enjoyed my new Coldplay cd. It was a British(ish) weekend!
And I could not miss "The Bachelorette" while at the beach. I almost missed it, but remembered about 15 minutes into the show. Still wondering why she let Jeremy go! Good night. Was she not paying attention when his shirtless body was on display in the Bahamas? What's not to love there? I think it will be Jason in the end, but their relationship (engagement) will last two months tops and then maybe she needs to beg Jeremy for a second chance. If not, I'm thinking he needs to be the next "Bachelor". Ladies, do you agree?
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3 years ago
I have not read the Boleyn book yet but it's been on my list to read forever. Must get it. There's lots to be said for separating the kiddos during these (long!) summer months. I could use an intervention for two of mine right now. I haven't been following the Bachelorette much this season but from what I have watched I am with you on Jeremy. The faithfull watchers here at my office tell me he has "issues" though. So maybe I missed something....but he sure does look good.
year round school ??? where do you live ? is that just your school or your entire district. very interesting.
i read the other boylen sister and loved love loved it. it was for our book club and i of course wanted to research everything about henry and all the characters.
Jill- I need an intervention, too!
Feener- Live in Raleigh/Durham area. SO many kids and overcrowding. We have traditional and year-round schools. Our neighborhood is now zoned for year round. Luckily the school is VERY good (most are in this area)! We'll go 9 weeks, then off for 3 weeks all year.
I think I would like year round school is Landon started that way. It would be really hard to make a change!!! Although I always fantasize that we will spend the summer away in Laguna or Marthas Vineyard!!!! jeremys body was insane!!! Bachlorette is missing out!
I always thought year round school would be good...with longer breaks throughout. Sometimes I think the summer is too long!! Is the year round schooling in public school or private???
My book club read The Other Boleyn Girl a couple of years ago and I devoured it in about 48 hours. I like to call that genre Historical Smut. I also read The Queen's Fool, which I thought was definitely not as good. The Virgin's Lover was good.
Enjoy your 4th!
Love Gregory - her books are so hard to put down!
Jeremy - he was hot but a little "eh." I think he was a bit boring and I never really saw him let loose and have much fun!
We do year round public school here. I was not happy about it but now I think it's going to be great! Oldest starts K in a month (snif snif! and a little HOORAY!)
I'm so glad you're back and that you had a great time! I haven't read "Boleyn" but it's on my list and I can't wait. Gosh, year-round school? I don't know. I really, really like my boys home in the summer. I'm never ready for them to go back. ALTHOUGH, I can so relate to them needing some separation from each other right now. Have a great 4th!
boo& Hootie's mom- It's public school.
Mom- Historical Smut is right! I bought "The Boleyn Inheritance" to read next. I think I'm one of the last to get to these books.
Kris- I agree Jeremy is kind of "eh", but let's say he's the "strong, silent" type! Good luck with kindergarten. I actually cried at 1st day of 1st grade drop off, but was fine with 1st day of kindergarten! Surprised me!
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