It appears that play group will not be blessed by our presence this morning. Mini#2 has some kind of stomach virus. He rarely gets up during the night but at about 10:45 p.m. last night he cried and made his way downstairs to our bedroom. I met him in the hallway and he was covered in yesterday's meals, snacks, drinks, etc. YUCK! "I throwed up in my bed" he cried. Ya think? Poor thing. I got him all changed, noticed he had a fever, administered Motrin and took him back upstairs to his room where Mr. Pink had changed the sheets and pillow. I hate that part (makes me gag!)so am glad Mr. Pink took charge of bed detail! I covered the new sheets with a bath towel and added a bucket beside his bed for extra protection. Luckily, no further incidents during the night (read as: after I put my tired self to bed). However, he woke up at 6:28 a.m. this morning saying he's had enough SHHLEEEP (so funny how he says this word). Anyway I don't want to get any other kids sick at play group, but think he's ok since he got if all off of his chest. Bad joke. Sorry.

Once I get off of this computer it's back to figuring out my new PINK cell phone. Got it yesterday. You may think I wanted a pink phone, but not so much. All I cared was that it was an MP3 player/phone in one. Mr. Pink ASSUMED (how many husbands do this?) that, seeing I was Pink in a Sea of Blue, would want this color. He said "you're always saying you need more pink in your life." Now he listens to me! Oh well, it's not so bad. I'm being ungrateful. It's a Sony Ericsson Walkman something or other. Great sound on the music. We finally have NC numbers after leaving GA 2 years ago! Isn't it wild how a tiny phone controls your life? Why do cell phones have to do so much these days? Text, remind you, organize you, take photos, entertain (music), etc etc. I'm searching for the phone that can pay my bills, bathe the kids, grocery shop and possibly cook dinner. Now that's what I'm talking about.
Oh sorry your little boo-boo is sick! That stinks. Feel better soon, little man!
Cute phone. I think it's sweet your husband thought of that!
So very sorry that your little one wasn't feeling well...
Poor baby. We did that the night after football practice. I think it was just heat exhaustion, though. Your phone is so cute. What a sweet husband. I'm upgrading mine for my b-day next month. I haven't decided what to get yet, but hunny keeps saying "hey, there's a pink one!" They must think we all want pink!
That was very nice of Mr. Pink! Hope the little one is feeeling better.
Poor thing! Feel better soon! I want a phone that can give me a back rub!
YIKES! My DH is the "clean up crew" if we ever have those kinds of things too. Hope everyone is feeling better.
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