It's Monday. Went to the pool with mini#2 this morning to get out of the house. After homework is finished, we're going back again so mini#1 can go this time. Getting a little tired of this pool routine, but it's hot and they don't fuss and fight when at the pool!
Here are a few items I wanted to touch on today.
1- Randy Pausch of "The Last Lecture" fame died on Friday of pancreatic cancer. He lived 22 months with this cancer and he, like my mother-in-law, was eligible for the Whipple procedure (surgery). That surgery is only offered to about 15% of those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This is so sad. I feel for his three children now living without their father and for his wife now without her partner. I can only hope my mother-in-law has this much time or more with her family. She will start 6 months preventative chemo (one day a week for three weeks and then off a week) in September. She plans to do this from her hometown though. It's what she wants to do.
2- On a much lighter note, for those worried about that homework problem I mentioned last week (28, __, __, __, 3), I now have the answer and why we were stumped! The homework sheet was copied and missing a digit! The problem should have been: 28, __, __, __, 32 so answer is clearly 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. DUH! I think we'll survive 2nd grade after all.
3- Mini#1 asks me every day we're at the pool, "Mom, did we bring my gobbles (goggles)?" Cracks me up, but I never correct him. It's too precious.
4- I'm starting the countdown today. 10 days until I leave the minis and Mr. Pink to go frolic at the beach with 10 other mommies for a long girls' weekend. No kids, no worries, no interruptions, no kids' menus, no set get the idea. Every one of us deserves this. It's our 2nd annual trip and I'm sure it will continue for years to come.
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3 years ago
Boy am I jealous of your mommies weekend! So fun! So fabu! I love that the problem was wrong. I was seriously wondering how I would get Landon through the second grade!!!!!
I tagged you!
A mommies weekend at the beach sounds great!
Love the "gobbles". I know little one is too old for this, but instead of saying "pretend" he says "pretember". I never correct it because I think it's so cute. But he's 7, so I guess I had better start. :(
BTW, do you prefer cocktail napkins or luncheon?
Belle- probably cocktail. :)
My son calls them gobbles too! So cute!
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