So we've been to a few b-day parties lately and Mini#1's is in April and Mini#2's is in 2 weeks. I can't even think about Mini#1's party at the moment. I'm finalizing details for Mini#2's right now. We're having a "Wild West" party and he'll wear the above shirt I got for a steal at Orient Expressed. Each child will be given a cowboy hat and bandanna to complete the "look". We're going to be making paper bag horse puppets and playing good old fashioned pin the tail on the donkey. I've told everyone to wear your cowboy/girl boots if you have them. I'm serving cowboy food- mini pigs in a blanket (I can't stand those, but don't they seem cow boyish?) and MAY make them root beer floats to imitate "sasparillas". What is sasparilla anyway? Beer? It may be too much for 3 yr olds though- to drink and to comprehend. I'm still thinking about the cake. I have always served cute bakery cakes, but kind of wanted to go the cupcake route this year. The only thing is I'm at a loss for an idea to fit the theme. Any ideas out there?
Hubby (I need a new nickname for him. Hubby sounds silly.) and I were laughing last night making fun of the ever so important gift bags. So far their bags will have a plastic pose able horse, a sheriff's badge, and a silly straw they may or may not use for "sasparillas". Still thinking of other items, but it won't be too much else since they will also have a nice new cowboy hat and bandanna to take home. Anyway, my main man (doesn't work either!) and I were brainstorming and started thinking of the gift bag we'd love to give these tiny tots, but definitely will NOT. They would include: candy cigarettes, "Big League Chew", can of beenie weenies (cowboy food!), a little beef jerky and maybe a Hank Williams Jr. cd. What do you think? Anyway it was a fun exercise. One of those really good laughs life throws at you. However, I will continue to be the responsible parent. So responsible that these "cowboys" won't even know what a gun is, but I guess they will learn about beer. Yikes. Maybe not. Well, most importantly, no fine southern tot will learn about guns at this house. It is funny though - a cowboy party without guns and Indians? What is our world coming to?
On a side note, I'm getting a little emotional. My BABY is going to be 3. I held him this morning and caught our reflection in the mirror. His body and legs are getting so big. Despite my obvious frustration with his blatant toddlerness lately, I love this little boy and his brother more than I could ever imagine. God's gifts to me for life. I am truly blessed to be their mother! I tell them all the time "I thank God for you". Mini#2 now says it to me on his own "Mommy I thank God for you". Music to my ears. Have a good rest of the weekend!
I will comment more on the party theme, but just had to share that I need a new name for my darling husband too! I never call him "hubby"! Ok, on to the party-sounds like what you have is great. I am not a fan of random toys that will just get sucked into the vortex that is the playroom! I love the cowboy hat and bandana. Hope the party is fun! We are getting ready for J's 7th.
I just found your blog from another one and I love it! I'm a mom to 2 boys also so I feel your pleasure and your pain! I love the western theme for the party, and the kids won't even notice that there are no guns. However, be prepared when they suddenly turn those silly straws into guns and shoot them at each other. My 5yo is starting to make guns from Legos! Ugh.
Thanks for the note mom x 2. Boys are great, but make me want to cry at the same time. :) As to the straws, I see them poking their eyes out, too. Maybe I need to rethink that.
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