3 Years ago today mini#2 was born and changed our lives forever. I cannot imagine life without this little firecracker. He has been a real joy. His zest for life and sports is so special. I have people ask me all the time, "Does he ever stop smiling?" The answer is YES, but, for the most part, he is a very happy child. He wakes up smiling! This is like neither father nor mother. Being so girly and having mini#1 first who is into art, reading, creating, mini#2 has changed my life for a very long time. I am the one with ball throwing duty during weekdays. I even watched golf with him yesterday! I play football. I wash jerseys. I talk sports quite a bit with him while hubby is at work and mini#1 is at school. Saying he LOVES sports is an understatement. He also loves his brother, his mother and his father and he'll tell you often. He's considerate and always wants to get a treat for brother when we're out. He welcomes his dad home like the man has been gone for months instead of hours. He says "hello" to every person that walks down our sidewalk. He squeals with delight when his brother gets home from school. He says "hey big buddy!".
However, 3 years ago, he made a very quiet entry into this big world. He was soft and sweet and cuddly. He had chubby cheeks, teeny tiny fingers and toes and a soft cry. It was love at first sight for hubby and me. We gave him my dad's name and didn't reveal this until he was placed in my dad's arms shortly after birth. There were many tears that day... all tears of joy. I think the most came when mini#1 finally met his little brother. He was 3 at the time. I was so worried about what this new little one would do to him, but mini#1's sweet smiles, captured in photos to remember forever, were all I needed to embrace my new family. Today I celebrate my son's life. All that he is and all that he will become. Happy Birthday sweet baby boy! You are loved!
Your post made me teary. A mom to 2 boys myself, I feel your sentiment fully. Happy Birthday to your little guy!
What a sweet post. Happy Birthday to you both!!
Thanks girls. I cried writing it!
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