Sunday, July 5, 2009

So close!

Well done Andy Roddick!! Despite losing in the Men's Final at Wimbledon today (Roger Federer won his 15th Grand Slam surpassing Pete Sampres' record of 14), you really shined on the court this year, especially Friday and today. I watch a lot of Wimbledon matches every year. This match, by far, has been the most exciting final in a while. It set a record for being the longest at 4 hours and 16 minutes. The 5th set (no tie break in 5th)went to a final score of 16-14! It was nail biting until the end. I so wanted the underdog to win. He's American! It was heartbreaking to watch him tear up to the sound of his cheers and the standing ovation he received when he accepted his runner up plaque. Then they showed his new wife, of course, and her chin was quivering. I teared up, too! His hard work with his new coach, losing 15 lbs and getting married this year all seem to be helping his career. I predict another Glam Slam title or more in his future. Did you watch? And congrats to Roger, too. He's a class act and a very gracious winner.

Interesting facts:
Andy is one inch taller than Roger.
Andy (26)is one year younger than Roger (27).
Andy got married one week after Roger did in April this year.
I'll bet you didn't know Mrs. Pink is such a sports fan....


Headbands and Hand Bags said...

Oh those games were so good!

Jill said...

I didn't get to watch the final, but saw it later on the news. So sorry I missed it!