If you don't watch "The Real Housewives of New York", skip this post. If you do, does this woman get on your nerves as much as she gets on mine? Would you honestly buy her book? Maybe if all proceeds go to pediatric cancer organizations (and they very well could for all I know). She is so egotistical and into her title. She gives off such an air of fakey/fakeness in every situation. Wow that "fight" last week with Ramona was funny. Lu Ann was so offended when Ramona thought her husband was twice Lu Ann's age. And then hoping that magazine "retouched" Bethenny's cover shots. She always twists things to her advantage in hopes of coming out smelling like a rose. And Lu Ann's kids...heaven forbid they use a wrong fork at dinner. I imagine that being the most interaction she has with her kids...to correct etiquette. I'll admit this is the first season I've watched of NY wives, but she's painting herself clearly to me. And her daughter Victoria seems insecure and scared of her mother. She barely voices an opinion and, secretly, may be happy to go to boarding school. I'm just saying. So who's your favorite NY housewife to hate these days?Alex is a close second with me. Don't get me started on that marriage... they are one STRANGE couple.
I will not buy this book even if it shows up on the racks of the dollar store! I am still hating on Gretchen from RHOC and Simon is the most annoying "wife" on RHONY!
Oh no, I am waiting for Simon and Alex's book to come out!! I can't wait to see what child rearing advice these two experts have for us!!!
Well, I don't watch the real housewives of OC but I do watch the NYC wives. I'm more of a east coast, gal. Somehow their tackiness doesn't scream in my face the way the blonde bimbos of LA do.
I totally agree with you about LuAnn. She is horrid. She claims to have "class" and to be so manner-perfect but she insults people and keeps blowing things way out of proportion. I loved how she said something to the effect that Bethenny was blowing it way out of proportion about the airbrushing comment but she did the same thing to Ramona. If someone insults you, you might say something to let them know you're offended, but once they apologize, let it go!
It seems like her daughter is a lovely girl, despite her. It probably has to do with the loving (and overworked) nanny they employ.
My favorite by far is Jill. She's tacky as can be and has no edit button in her brain, but I really love people who say what they think. I could never do it, but I sometimes wish I could so it's entertaining to watch.
Alex and Simon are by far the most cringe-inducing. I had to fast forward through Simon's massage in the Hamptons. I thought I was going to be physically ill.
And can I say for the record how much I wish I had the new housewife's (Kelly?) body. Holy cow, she looks amazing.
CS- Simon is a "wife" isn't he? Eww.
Preppy Mama- yes, the fact they're writing that kind of book makes me think I can.
Mom- Simon and the massage totally grossed me out, too. And I agree. LuAnn needed to let it go with Ramona. The girl apologized! She did carry on far too long. I agree the nanny, Rosie, is the one mothering those kids. Jill kills me, too.
No, I absolutely would not buy the book. Maybe LuAnn can go on a speaking tour with Kate Gosselin for a double shot of hypocrisy. I guess maybe my favorite NYC housewife is Bethanny, with Jill a close second.
Never........I wouldn't give her a dime!! I so want the Atlanta housewives to come back on!!
I wouldn't bu her book if it was the last one on earth. She knows nothing of manners and etiquette. She is rude, self centered and mean! I like Jill Zarin!
Nope, I would not buy her book. I would probably read Bethenny's book, but only if I checked it out of the library.
I like Jill and Bethenny. I would just love to sit at a dinner table with them and listen to them chatter. I think the two of them together are hilarious.
I wouldn't dream of reading this book. I haven't liked her much but her Countess explanation to the young women at the Boys & Girls club really did me in!
The previous for the RHONJ certainly grabbed my attention!
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