Be forewarned I'm due to rant. Here I go.
1- Because, although I wasn't really into FURTHER follow-up, I missed the last few minutes of The Bachelor- Part 2 last night. I was watching The Real Housewives of New York and flipping back and forth because I was too lazy to go upstairs and DVR one of them. Actually, I was too warm in my bed to get out of it. I fell asleep and missed if Molly and Jason are together or what their deal was 6 weeks later. Someone tell me.
2- Our snow make up day for last Monday is this SATURDAY. Now, I've gotten used to the Saturday make up deal. Already done it once and will do it again April 4. However, we track out FRIDAY for 3 weeks. Why would our track be expected to return on Saturday for a make up day from 7:45 to 11:15? I'm cranky because we're headed back to MIL's house to go through things, another yard sale, etc. We've already advertised the sale so I made the decision that mini#1 will not go to school Saturday. And this doesn't sit well with me. I don't like bucking the system. I'm a follower, do-gooder. It's making me cranky. And when my mom finds out I'll have to listen to her opinion on how he should go further adding to my crankiness. Would you have done the same thing?
3- Mini#2 has been sleeping through the night in underwear successfully for a month or two WITHOUT one of us waking him up to potty at around 11:00 PM. We do this through-the-night training in stages around here. Anyway, since last weekend he has wet his pants and/or the bed EVERY night since last weekend!! Mr. Pink thinks he could be regressing because MIL passed away. It could be, but I don't think so. I don't know why, but it's frustrating. He wakes his brother up to tell him he's wet who then comes downstairs (master on main floor) to tell us! So everyone is awake at 2:00 AM. I have at least been putting those lovely rubber pants on him the last 2 nights so it usually saves the sheets, but not last night. That even leaked through. Now I've bored everyone and I'm still cranky.
These things are trivial with so much going on in this world. I'm thankful this is all I have to be cranky about today. All will pass and I will be ok. Thank you blog for letting me vent!
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3 years ago
On the school thing, I would have done the exact same thing. Why would they choose a Saturday where the kids weren't in school on that Friday? Makes no sense. I would imagine some families use that Friday off to go away for a 3 day weekend. Anyway, is he in 1st or 2nd grade? Either way, he's not going to miss out on Harvard for skipping a weekend makeup day. My neighbors took all 4 of their boys out of school last year for 4 days (twin KGers, 2nd grade and 4th grade) to take them on a ski trip! So now doesn't that make you feel better??
Mom- yes, that makes me feel better. I couldn't do that! He actually has school on Friday, but it's the last day. He's out for the next 3 weeks. It's really messed up- traditional calendar makes up days during the week and year-round makes up days on Saturdays due to shared busing I've been told.
Oh yes, honey..Molly and Jason are togetther and HAPPIER THAN EVER...of course. I did DVR NYC Housewives and you can bet that I'll be in my warm bed tonight watching that. Good luck with mini #2. I always fumble along with that kind of stuff too and eventually it all seems to work out.
You missed nothing. They are happy and together. She is moving to Seattle, good luck hon!!! They did reveal Jillian is the next bachlorette though!
The pee alone would make me cranky - nothing is worse than changing sheets at 2 a.m. Sorry you missed the most dramatic After the Final Rose Ceremony Part 2..nothing much about it that you missed!
Thanks for the Ellen video - I hadn't seen it, pretty funny!
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