Sorry for sporadic posting. Busy time and no post-worthy material! I shouldn't be posting at all. I hear mini#2 screaming at mini#1 in frustration. We just completed his Valentines for school, but it took twice as long because mini#2 wanted to attempt a few letters of their names. I finally left him to try to write his teacher's names. Ok, I'm back. Had to resolve their issues! Good grief. Can you advertise kids on Craig's list? I have one, possibly two I'm considering. I cannot wait for book club tonight.
So over the last few days I've:
- volunteered at mini#1's school.
- booked a beach trip for June.
- got my hair highlighted, but added low lights again so I don't have to go every freakin' 6 weeks for touch up!
- written a ton of thank you notes for funeral arrangements, food, etc so Mr. Pink doesn't have to worry about it.
- Had a first of a few to come estate sales at mother-in-law's. Have to go ahead and do this. We don't know if we'll rent or sell her house just yet. Lots of decisions to make. Tough weekend for Mr. Pink, but he's doing ok considering.
- cut back my roses today. I'm ready for spring!
- had coffee Monday with an old friend I hadn't seen in a while. Fun catching up!
- made coq au vin for dinner (French chicken in wine sauce dish). Yum-O!
- watched Housewives of OC last night. Tamra-hide your girls please. Lynn- get a brain, Vicki-I don't care for you, Gretchen- stop partying and visit your sick fiance, Jenna- get some hair help. It's a lame show so I can make petty comments.
- bought a spring dress today and a cute top at Old Navy. Both are navy. Think this is my new spring color. Love it.
- went running for the first time in ages last night. It may be ages before I do it again. No, I'm hoping to be able to run a 5K in May. We'll see.
Ok, so this catches you up on the mundane existence I've had lately. Aren't you glad you stopped by? Sometimes I'll take mundane over stressful or exhausted. What about you?
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3 years ago
I am so with you on the Housewives comments...I don't know why I keep watching!!!!!!
I'm ready for Spring, too. I need to cut back my roses. Your dinner sounds fantastic! Share the recipe, please!! I'm glad you got to catch up with a friend. That always helps.
Housewives...don't get me started. I've really had to turn them off lately. Getting on my nerves. Has Vicki gotten even more crazy in the past few weeks?? Is that possible??? The rest of them...yikes. The closest one to civil is Jenna. That's bad!
I was actually reading your post, thinking your life is sounding really lovely right now. I'm knee-deep in kids right now as Dadx2 has been traveling all week. Can you believe I'm actually looking forward to visiting the ILs this weekend, just so I can have a break?
I do jut have to agree with Tamra and the b**bs.... those things are scary! They almost look painful!
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