Tuesday, November 29, 2011

So over it!

Am I the only one out there that really DISlikes pajama day at school? Mini#2 is having Polar Express Day tomorrow and he just informed me he has to wear pj's. I informed him he is not. They just had a pj day about a month ago! Ugh! I'm going in their classroom tomorrow to volunteer for their integrated holiday centers. I had this cute outfit picked out for him to wear tomorrow. That's probably the main reason I'm pouting. He's in first grade and I know the holiday themed attire will, most likely, be a thing of his past next year! I'll probably compromise and let him wear pj pants with the shirt I bought him. And yes, we are a wee early for these holiday celebrations at school, but with good reason. My minis track out of their year round school on Friday and do not return until JAN. 3. Lord help me. I mean it. I'm praying out loud.


Jill said...

Honestly, I'm over a lot of the stuff like that at school. So far this week we've had pj day (just had it a month ago), Chick-fil-A biscuit day, and movie something-or-other.

Marilyn *Pink Martinis and Pearls* said...

I remember PJ day. My boys never would do stuff like that. It was the girls who primarily participated with big pink slippers, etc. I always thought year round school would have been a nice idea enabling family vacations here and there but it is hard for the kids to jump start their studies when they're off and on so much? Enjoy your vacation! :)