Thought I better post a few pictures from Easter. We had a really good time at my parents' house. It was nice seeing my brother and his new wife. This was our first time meeting her since they married a few weeks ago in Bosnia (where brother just finished a 3 yr assignment with the State Dept). Mini#2 LOVES her and it's mutual. She's a little homesick right now and used to be a nanny so a fun-loving newly turned 6 yr old is just what the doctor ordered for her! He even sat beside her while she SKYPED her mom back home. He said she rubbed his head. So funny. He was smitten with the new aunt! They're coming to visit us in a couple of weeks. Mini#2 is excited about that to say the least. Anyway, I hope the Easter Bunny was good to you! My kiddos woke up at 7:15 to look for eggs and at their baskets! Dang....
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