So Real Housewives fans, whose side are you on - Alex or Sonja? Alex and Simon get on my nerves, but I am definitely on Alex's side after last night's episode! Sonja is the one who FIRST tried to clear the air with Alex at her "come support my friend with benefits' art career party."
Sonja just didn't like Alex's responses so she attacked her manners! I mean, seriously, Sonja's speech at the event was horrendous (even worse than Alex's party dress). Why did Simon saying a few words really matter at the end of it all?? He seemed in his element didn't he? His jacket killed me! Sonja is full of herself. Not liking her. Or Jill Zarin either! She is so fake! Loving my Real Housewives of NY. They give me so much comic relief in every scene! Next week we get to see Ramona on the catwalk again. CANNOT WAIT. I'm already giggling to myself.
Note to Alex- we know you're excited about your "modeling" career, but please stop acting like the 18 yr old waif-y models and put on a bra. You're 37 and you've had kids. Enough said.
I'm so with you on the NYC take. Team Alex. Love Watch What Happens too, don't you? :)
I used to really not like Alex, but after last season and so far this season I am with her all the way! And even weird Simon has grown on me! ;)
Sonja is full of herself and Jill, I have no words!
Pink- Sonja on Watch What Happens didn't even change my opinion on her actions!
Steph- I feel the same way. Alex and Simon have grown on me, too. I love how Alex told her son not to climb up Jill's leg - referring to the "huge" issue a couple of seasons ago. Classic!
I've always been a fan of Alex. I think she was a little slow to grow on me in Season 1 but I've always felt like she was pretty diplomatic and not too stuck on herself. As for Sonja - she a nut...and something else that rhymes with it, too!
loving that show, i agree about the bra!
Team Alex!!! I couldn't believe how Sonja acted at the Marriage Equality event. I bet Simon's speech would have been much better. And talk about bad manners, she started in on Alex as soon as she arrived at her party. Good for Alex to stand up to her.
Team Alex!! Sonja was being irrational and unreasonable. She was wrong and she knew it. The fact that she doesn't own up to it makes her look even worse. Blah
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