...when you're the mom of two boys and the only female in the house. Case in point. This morning. Mini#2 walks into my bathroom while I'm putting on my makeup in just my underwear. Just wanting to chat I suppose and I've just about given up on any privacy of my own so was simply thrilled he didn't catch me getting out of the shower. So he points at my panties and said, "Mom, where's your wiener?" I don't know if I was more surprised that he asked ME this or that he said "wiener" because this mentioned unmentionable has never been called a "wiener" in our house. I simply held in my laughter and, while pushing him out of my bathroom, answered, "Mommy doesn't have a "wiener" and, if I did, we don't show our private parts." So how's your day going???
OMG That is hilarious!!! I love it!
LOL!! Boys will be boys!
OMG! Boys! Last night in the waiting room at the doctors office, very crowded room...he says, "mommy are those your boobs"? God help us!!
that is too funny! My oldest is 6 and suddenly his privates have turned into a wiener also... oh the joys of boys! I hear you on that privacy thing, I've given up on it!
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