As you read this I am, most likely, already perched in my chair on Wrightsville Beach, NC. So readers (are there any left?), give me your answers to my Friday Five beach-related questions.
1- Do you prefer to people watch or read in your beach chair?
2- Do you wear a baseball hat, wide brimmed hat or no hat?
3- What's in your beach cooler?
4- What fun things do you do on the beach?
5- What beach-related movie is your favorite?
My answers:
1- Ok, if I'm confident the minis are under Mr. Pink's watch, I love to read, but who doesn't people watch?!
2- Always a hat. Either one of a few monogrammed baseball hats or wide brimmed hats. I think I have a thing for beach hats!
3- This trip I'm snacking on yellow and orange pepper strips with hummus, apples, almonds and salty Cape Cod chips. Trying to keep it a bit healthy because I snack a lot on the beach! Oh. And lots of water and tuna fish sandwiches (Lowes Foods! SO YUMMY).
4- Ok, this is fun for a while, but then it gets old. We dig holes in the sand and fill them with water for the kids to sit in. They love doing this. I also love early evening walks on the beach with the family. Someone always ends up wet in their clothes though and it's not Mr. Pink or moi!
5- I could say Beaches, but that's too sad and obvious. I love Something's Gotta Give with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson. I LOVE THAT HOUSE! And, after watching this movie, I collected black shells on the beach and they're now in a pretty jar in my bathroom. And, of course, the movie also takes place in Paris. And I love the soundtrack with all of the French music. Wow. That's a lot of liking of a movie isn't it?
Ok, tell me your answers. Have a great weekend remembering the dads in your life.
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3 years ago
Fun post!
1- I do a little of both.
2- Depends on my mood. I have my 'beach' hats and lots of baseball hats.
3- I usually show up with a large Iced Coffee and that's it. (Now with kids, it would be very different)
4- If I am alone, just read and people watch. With others, girl talk. With kids, PLAY!
5- I'm dating myself here, but I love the 'Allnighter'. A true 80's classic!
Enjoy the beach!!!
1- Do you prefer to people watch or read in your beach chair? Read!!!!
2- Do you wear a baseball hat, wide brimmed hat or no hat? Wide brimmed hat.
3- What's in your beach cooler? Diet coke, water strawberries, pb&js with bananas on bagels, and tuna fish on white!
4- What fun things do you do on the beach? Dig, football, seashell hunting, lots of picture taking and sleep
5- What beach-related movie is your favorite? Spanglish or as good as it gets. I'm sure there are more but I can't think of any right now. I loooove a good beach movie.
Have fun!!!!!
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