Today's the day. The Obamas head over to Buckingham Palace for a sit-down with the Royal one. For tea and talk. I feel a little sorry for Obama this week. His first G20 summit is Thursday in London. He will be meeting, for the first time, the top dignitaries of the 19 other countries that make up 85% of the world's wealth to discuss this fine financial mess we've all gotten ourselves into. If that isn't stressful enough he and Michelle had to somehow squeeze in time to learn Royal protocol for meeting HRH Queen Elizabeth II. I think Obama might be more nervous about today's meeting. Can I ask this? Can I do that? Does she speak first or do I? Do I bow? Shake hands? How do I hold this freakin dainty teacup? Can I ask for coffee instead? If there's a lull in the conversation can I ask if she pulls for Beckham when he's playing for LA Galaxy? And just when I'm getting comfortable in my 300 year old chair I have to leave. Do I back out of the room? Will she tell me to get out? What if I trip over a corgi? Oh I think Obama might visibly sweat over this one. She may look like a sweet grandma, but this woman is tough as nails! At least we can rest assured, as Americans, that the meeting won't be an embarrassment to our nation. Michelle will be there! So good luck to them both! Can't wait to hear about the visit.
This post made me laugh - you know how I love me some QE2! Hopefully Obama can steer clear of making jokes...that seems to be when he gets into trouble. Michelle will probably be flawless, as usual.
I don't wish to have Obama's job, but I would like to be there today! I think I've read that you don't curtsy anymore, though they say it's OK if you do. The whole "never turn your back" on her thing is weird!
Too funny!
Like Mom x 2, I hope there's no joking around. ha.
have a great day!
I can almost guarantee they will do what Nancy Reagan did and not bow or curtsy. Won't this be interesting to see? I would bet money on it.
I caught just a little bit of their visit with the Queen on the news and I did notice they didn't bow/curtsey. I also noticed how SHORT QE and Prince Phillip looked next to Barack and Michelle! And later in that same newscast they said you are not to touch The Queen unless she touches you first. ha!
Oh yes, no touchy-touchy. My friend and husband met the queen and Prince Phillip when they were in DC last year(?) (actually just the prince came over and talked to them, I can't remember about the queen) anyway, and were given instructions before hand. It was fascinating to hear. She also had lunch with Michelle (and about 25 others) a couple of weeks ago and sat at Jill Biden's table but there was no pre-protocol rules before that. Said both ladies were very nice and MO seemed very genuine and relaxed. It's fun to hear her stories. That picture of the 4 of them is so funny. My gosh, they just tower over them.
Jillian- They did TOWER over the royals didn't they? Obama needs to work on that smile, too.
Pink Martini- So interesting that your friends got to meet the Royals.
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