Monday, October 27, 2008

Misc Monday

So the day didn't start out the greatest. I was pulling out of my driveway to take mini#2 to preschool when I heard a horrendous sound. I had backed into a parked truck across the street. I'm not used to a truck being there, and, honestly I was distracted or hurried or whatever. It did more damage to my SUV, but luckily to just one piece above the wheel and partially on the bumper. His truck had one small damaged place. I had to leave a note because I do not know where the truck owner went with my neighbor. I told him "so sorry...come over for insurance info" I waited all day for them to return and then the truck and my note were gone at about 3:00! Hmm. Will have to talk to neighbor later. Thank goodness our neighbor is a super nice guy we are in good standing with. These days some people don't even talk to their neighbors. Will keep you posted.

Thanks Belle in Bloom for the BFF Gold Card on Friday. That is super sweet of you! You are a good friend! We have similar hectic lives raising two loud, active boys. Somehow we are surviving one day at a time. I'll pass it to Momx2. She is also raising two little boys, but we hope there's a little girl on the way!

Last Saturday we attended a neighborhood Halloween party. It was so much fun and I was amazed at the creativity of my friends. The best costumes had to be the two girl chickens (one of which will be cleaning my teeth tomorrow at the dentist's office), one Colonel Saunders and a bucket of KFC. If you remember my post when I was looking for costumes I chose a go-go girl. Mr. Pink was a prisoner. There was a Dolly Parton/Kenny Rogers couple, Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo, Fred and Wilma Flintstone, Lucy and Ricky Riccardo. Mr. Pink and I were color coordinated only because we weren't sure if he was going to be able to go or not due to a cub scout commitment. I found his costume Saturday morning! Mini#2 thought we were going trick or treating without him. That made me laugh hard. I think he still expects us to wear our costumes on Halloween night!


Jill said...

Last year when we were having wrk done on the house I backed my husabd's car into the huge construction dumpster in our driveway. I guess I was totally spacing out...I knew it was there but just backed on out. And I probably only drive hubby's car one or two days a year and of course it had to be that day.

Tippy said...

Oh no - sorry about the car accident! Maybe the guy just didn't care that much?

Thank you for the gold card! How sweet. I honestly do not care if it's a girl or another boy. I'd love to have a girl, but at this point a boy would be easy! I have everything needed. But I have decided not to find out ahead of time and just be happy with whatever comes out. I'm as sick as a dog right now. I'm ready for the early part to be over.