I think I can finally write with a clear head. Our reunion was too much fun. As in we paid for it dearly on Sunday. I think you look forward to these, but then you're somewhat hesitant to visit your past. Walking into a reunion brings back all kinds of feelings. You walk in the person that you've become, but still feel a little like the person you left behind. It doesn't help matters that you must wear the obligatory name badge broadcasting your senior photo to all in attendance. But thank goodness for those badges in some cases. Otherwise I could have been speaking to someone and had no clue who they were.
For the most part everyone looked about the same, but there were a few that time has not been very kind to over the years. And why is it that the men seem to look the exact same yet more distinguished? Hello. I know. I live it. The women have had kids and have run households for years, some while working outside the home, while the men are safely tucked away in offices and golf carts. I'm just saying. For me, the reunion was, surprisingly, a confidence builder as I received many nice compliments. Does that mean I looked like crap in high school though? Hmm. But doesn't everyone want to return to a reunion better than you were before? Not in looks, but in self. More secure. More grounded. Free from insecurities that once had their ugly grasp on you. Of course there are new insecurities that come from aging, but not nearly as gripping as they seemed to be in junior and senior high school. I, for one am glad those days are over. I think I "blossomed" and gained life experiences in college, but I still look back on high school fondly. That just sounded old!
I couldn't imagine missing a reunion. If you have doubts about going, get over them! And don't worry. There's always going to be a bar nearby to supply any liquid courage required!
If you were wondering and as you can see, I went with the dress that my mom found. A grey Calvin Klein. I wore black 3 1/2 inch platformish heels and didn't even break an ankle while dancing crazily to 80's music. I hope my friends don't mind I posted this photo.
Pink! You look absolutely GORGEOUS! You must have been the envy of everyone there. Just beautiful. I'm so glad you had fun. It sounds like a great time. 20 yrs...my goodness. When did we get so old??? I agree about the men looking the same just more distinguished. My house, too. I know they work hard. Really I do, but so do I. Plus, I'm running the house, a job, the boys...he gets an office 2 hrs away and commute time to just be by himself. No wonder I'm looking older than him. Now I'm mad. ;)
Glad you're back!
You look amazing. LOVE the dress! Glad you had a great time!
I approve of this photo.
ps; belle in bloom, thanks for the kind words
What a gorgeous dress-you look great! Sounds like you had a lot of fun!
You look fabulous!!!! I went to mine this past weekend and had a blast!
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