In a couple hours we're loading the car with the family and headed to my hometown. My 20th class reunion is tomorrow night! This is so cliche' but it seems like yesterday I attended my 10th (no minis at that time)! 20 years has flown by! I'm so excited. My friend in NY is flying down tomorrow and is staying with us at my parents' house. Poor thing just went to the doctor to load up on antibiotics. She's been sick all week, but doesn't want to miss the reunion. She had just moved to NY when we had our 10th and had to miss it. My college roomie (the girl I go see foreign films with) also went to my high school so we're all sure to have a fun time. We kind of laugh about it all because we feel that we've already "caught" up with so many classmates because of Facebook! I've seen their kids, their vacations, etc.
I only have one problem. What to wear! My NY friend told me I should have posted my options on the blog, but I didn't. I have a black dress, a dress I bought in NY, a grey dress my mom found me, and another green/white dress from Banana Republic. I cannot decide. So it will be a fashion show at my parents' house tonight to make the final decision. Or I may just make a wardrobe change every hour at the reunion. You know, like an award show host. This morning I got a mani/pedi and earlier this week I refreshed my "natural" highlights. If only I had had time to squeeze in a little Botox. You think I'm kidding. My forehead is quickly creasing. I've always been scared of Botox, but I was scared of childbirth, too and I survived that twice!
Ok, have a great weekend. I'll be back next week!
Have fun! Will you be taking photos to share?
Have a great time!
Hsve fun!! Take lots of pics. :)
Get bangs - seriously. I hadn't had bangs in years and once I felt my forehead was looking a little, ahem, aged, I went with Reese Witherspoon-esque sideswept bangs. Much cheaper than botox and without the scary needles.
Have fun at your reunion!!
Have fun! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Go 88!!! Please I would do botox if I wasn't preggy! I'm trying to figure out what to wear too!!
We just got back from hubby's 20th reunion-it was a blast. are you on facebook? if so, email me.
How fun - I'm sure you'll have a great time!
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