Love this picture I found. Is it just me or do the 3's seem a lot more challenging than the 2's? This is the general consensus around my neighborhood. Mini#2 is wearing out our dining room time-out chair. He may be spending more time there than in his bedroom these days. And where are his angry responses coming from? Yesterday I told him it was time to go inside from playing so we could have lunch. His response: (loudly) "I'M COMING MOM!" I was appalled! Last time I checked he was only 3, not 13! He's started telling his neighbor friend "you're not my friend." Last week at the park I made the mistake of trying to open his water bottle when he wanted to do it. He burst into tears, ran across a field and threw himself on the ground all for my friends to enjoy. Actually that's what prompted the 3's versus 2's conversation. The earth stops revolving if I pour milk into a glass that is not of his choice. I could go on and on, but why further throw out all of this unpleasantness I experience day after day. I swear he's starting to grow horns of the devil variety. Surely this isn't just at the White House is it? What are your "angels" doing these days?
I have a 2 1/2 year old son and he acts very much like you describe regarding melt-downs over the littlest things. The back-talking has been going on for quite a few months. I swear he says "NO" to every single thing I tell him to do. I, too, have heard 3 is even worse, but then I've heard 4 and 5 are a dream. Looking back, I know we'll say these years wwent by so fast, but sometimes the days are long, huh? :o)
Three was much more challenging than 2 because they can say so much more and they DO! LOL
3.5 kicked my ass, I'm not gonna lie. My oldest was a dream at 2yo and awful at 3.5 years. My little one just turned 2 today and he's an angel but he is already developing a strong opinion. Tonight I said, "It's time for night-night" and he looks right at me and says "No night-night." Oh brother.
oh yes 3 has been worse than 2 and i have heard that 4 is hard as well....
That is what I hear but, I hope not! 2 is challenging enough for us. Our time out spot is getting quite worn too!
Three is totally the new two. In fact, with both my boys two was a picnic compared to three. And, I'm now in the worst part of the threes with the "not so easy" one. I feel your pain!
I'll just sum it up by saying I had to spend $7.95 on the "Teeth are not for Biting" book for my just turned 3 year old. It's going to be a long summer with the 2 older ones antaganizing him. He told his big sissy today, "no, you go to time out". Lovely!
I loved two. I am in the depths of three and it's a daily love/hate relationship. There has been a lot of time spent on the naughty spot with "I don't LIKE you" being muttered in my direction. 3 hours later at bedtime? "Mommy, come nuggle with me, I need you!"
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