I hope everyone had a nice weekend. We had visitors come see MIL Sunday. Of course I was only told by husband late Saturday night and we had church yesterday morning. Good thing I cleaned house Friday and all was not in total disarray yet. Is it just my husband or do others' husbands "forget" to mention upcoming events to their wives. That really gets me fired up.
Today was uneventful, but I did have to pick up mini#1 so he and I could go to the dermatologist. In hind sight not the best idea to schedule our appointments simultaneously. However, it was a good idea to drop mini#2 off at the pay-by-the-hour daycare center in our town before these appointments. MIL is just not able to watch him yet. Anyway, mini#1 has a mole in a very strange place that appeared to be growing. I'll spare further details. Being the worry wart, we went 8 weeks ago to have examined. We went for his recheck today and I had my yearly all over check. In the examination room Mini#1 exclaimed "I don't want to see you naked!" I exclaimed, just as excitedly, "Don't worry! You won't!" I covered myself (clad in underwear) with the paper sheet and waited for my turn with the doc. It went ok for both of us. Mini#1 busied himself with a magazine so as not to be embarrassed by his mother. Let's just say next year I'll make separate appointments. He's getting too big for joint appointments. That was our first and our last. It's kind of ironic. I had just noticed in the waiting room a mother and her teenage son walk in after us. I was happily chatting to mini#1, wearing his mouse ears he had made for a class play today, when I saw this teenager quickly sit in a single chair without a nearby chair for his mother. She sat across the room without exchanging any dialogue with her son. I was so sad for her. I was sad for me and for what may come. I almost whispered to her "Is this what I have to look forward to?" but I remained silent. I didn't want to disturb them or give any ideas to mini#1. I'm sure he'll figure it out soon enough that mom isn't always going to be his buddy. I'll enjoy this time now and hope that it doesn't happen to me any time soon. Mini#1, I think will remain my buddy. Mini#2, I see rough times ahead! He's stubborn! Do others mothers worry about this change in parent/son relationship?
Just now mini#1 and I went on a walk and he talked NON STOP about this story they read today in class about the Titanic. It was precious. He was so excited to share with me. I think I was smiling the entire walk! I hope he never stops sharing his days with me. I wish days like this would last forever and ever and ever.
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3 years ago
Oh, you're going to make me cry. Of course I worry about it but having had a rocky relationship with my own mom during the teen years, I know that it doesn't last. Usually. My mom and I are close now and I was so mean to her when I was 14. I think girls are usually meaner than the boys. The boys may just ignore us as you saw that kid do to his mom.
The no talking thing doesn't bug me nearly as much as that he didn't offer the seat to his mom. The manners part really gets me. I know my boys will grow up and leave the nest but they better do it with manners!
That was beautifully said. I also worry about having two boys and one day finding out that we are no longer "buddies". I see how my husband left his Mother. My brother left my Mother. Hopefully, I'm developing a stronger connection with my boys so we can always be close. ((hugs)) from one Mommy with boys to another. :)
That just makes me bawl! I want Landon and I to always be close!
Oh man, I cannot figure out how to get my 13-year-old to shut up. Just kidding. He is at that age where he is hot and cold, some days he talks nonstop and sometimes he is dead silent and on those days I talk to him nonstop.
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