I'm finally getting out of this house! I sound a little anxious don't I? These last seven weeks have been difficult to say the least. So I'm packing up the minis, freshly ironed polos, madras shorts, toys, books, movies, and whatever else will fit in the pinkmobile and heading to Charlotte to visit my parents for four days. We leave in a couple of hours. I hope the minis behave, I hope I relax and unwind a bit and I hope my parents treat me like a little girl again. Isn't it sometimes just nice to go HOME? MIL and Mr. Pink are going to venture back to her house as well for the weekend. She needs her friends and a little time under her own roof as well. Maybe, when we all reconvene at the White House on Sunday, we'll be refreshed with batteries recharged! I'll try to check in while we're there. I'm sure they'll be stories to tell.
Have a great trip! I am heading to Charlotte, or rather Lake Norman, on Saturday for my nephew's birthday! I may leave the princess there for a few days after to spend some time with her cousins!
Have a great time! Hope you get some "pampering" for yourself while you're there. You so deserve it!
Have a super time. I love being treated like the kid that I am on the inside.
Have a wonderful time! You are so lucky you can just get in a car and see your folks! Mine are five hours away by plane! I'd much rather a car trip!!!!
Have a great time and when you get back come check out the award I gave you on my blog.
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