Thursday, October 10, 2013


Thursdays are my run day. Ever since they changed the group fitness schedule at the gym, there is absolutely nothing I want to take on Thursdays. So I run. Usually it's been at the gym on the DREADmill, but at least I can watch TV as the minutes tick away. I can adjust to go faster or slower as needed and all is great albeit boring. This crazy southern weather actually inspired me to take it outside this last month. That and I needed some hill training. But it has been more than that. I count animals/bugs/birds of interest as I run along. I've seen a crane, butterflies, caterpillars, worms, grasshoppers. Fun stuff! Ha!! Last week a deer literally jumped across the greenway path in front of me! He scared me and I scared him! I've yet to see Adam Levine, but who knows. Maybe one day. Ha! What do you do on Thursdays? 

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