Yes, we went to the Raleigh Christmas Parade on Saturday. We do it early around here! We had a prime viewing spot on the curb and some friends met us there. It was a fun time. Then all of us went to eat Mexican food near my college. We enjoyed watching a sweet football win against our rival, UNC (sorry Tarheels!) Mr. Pink and I did a little furniture shopping and then dinner alone. Sunday church and some Christmas shopping. Nice relaxed weekend. Here are a few parade photos. favorite. Little man waving to Santa Claus. So cute. Made me remember the excitement I always felt as child around Christmas.
December 4th is a big Christmas parade day for us! We have one in the morning that is all horses, I've heard there will be something like 500 horses and since I'm a horse crazy girl I absolutely cannot WAIT!
Man, it comes earlier & earlier doesn't it? Looking forward to the season though.
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