Since I last posted here's an update of life at my house...
1- I dug into 15,000 boxes of Christmas decorations and worked my house into holiday festiveness that is now worthy to sell tickets to all for the chance to partake of its splendor. Not really, but it's decorated.
2- MIL had to be taken back to Duke (still there, some cancer showing in blood samples and has infection around her liver. Not very good outlook unfortunately) last Friday so I took 2 boys to a live nativity, Walk Through Bethlehem, by myself at #2's preschool while Mr. Pink was at the hospital. It was freezing, but the kids loved it. We actually walked along as they told the Christmas story. Real sheep and everything. Mini#2 enjoyed the knights (King Herod's guards) best. Oh well. We saw baby Jesus at the end and, even though he was plastic, he's the reason for the season.
3- I have survived the first 4 days with both kids home without having a breakdown because of the increased volume around here. Surely girls are quieter?
4- I went to the play group mom's only Christmas party Sunday night. Great time. Great fun (Crazy gift exchange thing). And functioned normally Monday morning. Always a plus!
5- I finally found junior sized jeans for this family my friends and I are adopting for Christmas. I chose to buy for the 14 yr old and she wears an 11/12. You go in a junior dept and your choice is either an 11 or 13. You go in a women's dept and it's 10 or 12. No 11/12! Why I worried so much about this I do not know, but she's getting a junior 13. I hope this is ok.
6- I made sugar cookies with the kids. I am insane. Something that would take me half the time to do alone, but I did it for the experience. I gritted my teeth and tried to keep smiling while batter flew everywhere.
7- I climbed Mount Everest and wished you all had been there to share the awesome experience. It beats skydiving any day. I know because I also did that yesterday.
So, as you can see, not a lot going on here. I am still a bit tired from the hike though. I need to rest. So what have you been up to?
The live nativity sounds great. I need to find one around here. So funny about the cookies. It's true. You just have to forget about the mess and the not-so-perfect cookies or you turn into the cookie nazi. I've been both fun mom and cookie nazi before. I guess it depends on what time of the month. ha. I'm so sorry about MIL. You all are in my prayers.
You must share your Christmas decorations. I'm still adding to mine before Saturday (the house tour). I need all the inspiration I can get!! Hope you're having fun with the boys now that they're home. Mine have strep and have been home for a couple of days. I think I've watched Charlie Brown Christmas about 1000x. Fun.
Have a great day!
I am sure your house is lovely. And I've always said baking sugar cookies with kids IS just like climbing mt. everest. ha!
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