(Year round) School is back is session as of 8:10 a.m.!! Ignore the incorrect date stamp on these photos! They were indeed taken this morning. Forgive me for sporadic posting lately. When you only have a 4 week summer break you try to get in as much as possible. But don't feel sorry for us. We will still go to the pool in the afternoons, go on a few more weekend trips this summer AND back to the beach in September when YOUR kids are starting school and we're out again for 3 weeks. Anyway, the minis are off (in new shoes of course!) and I'll be back to blogging. Happy Monday!
I've always kind of thought I would like year round school! I am so ready for my two teens to go back to school but we still have six more weeks of summer break!
love these pics! I especially like the goofy faces that the kids are making through the front door on the first 2 pictures! lol I think year round school would be a great thing, just wish everyone around me would jump on board!
Steph- with 2 boys, I LOVE YEAR ROUND!
Kristen- Forgot to post that the faces through the windows are a tradition ever since mini#2, at 18 months, cried just like that when we left him inside to take mini#1's first day of kindergarten photo!
Cute pics! And I do love the idea of the break when almost no one else has one!
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