This morning I went to mini#2's kindergarten class to volunteer during centers time. They were their usual cute selves, making me laugh when one group (mini#2 included) started sniffing their glue sticks saying it smelled good. One claimed it smelled like buttered popcorn. He's mini#2's best buddy and played an electric guitar for the talent show on Monday. I may need to watch out for this kid and lock up the glue sticks if he comes over.
Afterwards I decided to make a 10:30 class at the gym, but wasn't sure what it was. Ended up it was a beginning step class. Ughhhh. I was one of 4 people there. I was just happy about that after the 25-30 people packed classes of late. It was an intro to fitness class where they do a different class offered at the gym each week in a slow, ease-into-it kind of way. Me, taking at least 3 classes a week, thought this was going to be too beneath me. I amuse myself. Wrong! I worked up a good sweat. The choreography part always freaks me out so, generally, I stay away from step though we use them in muscle classes. I kept up and made it the entire hour and will never underestimate any class again!
Tonight looking forward to The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills reunion. Should be good. And I like Kyle. She's feisty though I think a lot of viewers don't like her. Camille- yuck! She grates on my nerves. And, Lisa, since you no longer have a house guest, I would gladly accept an invitation to move in and mooch off of you and your husband. Mind if I bring 3 others along? The minis would love that pool!
And, from one extreme to the other, I watch Jersey Shore. They kill me....hear season 4 they're off to Italy to film. These kids never imagined drinking, fighting and tanning could be so lucrative did they?
Ok, some quick house cleaning and I'm off to the carpool line. Thanks for stopping by.
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3 years ago
1 comment:
I'm always so impressed with you and how devoted you are to the gym... I wish I would be even 1/2 as devoted! I even have a treadmill and an elliptical in my basement and I use neither one of them... that's how pathetic I am! :( Yeah, um, sniffing glue at 5yrs old, I'd watch out for the wild kid! lol
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