Yes, it's here. I'm 40 today. OMG!!! I'm trying to embrace this number, but how did I get here? Doesn't seem possible! Anyway, I'm probably eating cake with my parents right now as I'm visiting them in Charlotte. On a side note my mother and usually my dad always call me at 10:42 a.m. the time of my birth. Isn't that sweet? These past few years they sung Happy Birthday together. Anyway, I am going to attempt to write a list of 40 things about me today. Here goes.
1- I'm left-handed and I do everything left-handed!
2- I have to eat popcorn at the movies.
3- I love foreign films.
4- I love anything that's of harlequin pattern.
5- I love the fleur-de-lis symbol.
6- Giving up Brie when pregnant was probably harder for me than alcohol.
7- I had only been 18 for about a week when I went off to college. BABY!
8- I met my husband that first weekend at college (frat party!), but we didn't date until a few months later.
9- I love crablegs.
10- I love sea scallops.
11- I am loving pilates these days.
12- Mini#2 loves practicing pilates with me.
13- I am the oldest child.
14- I love shopping.
15- I love reality TV.
16- I do not have an ipod.
17- I may be getting an iphone, but am scared at having to learn how to use one.
18- I have a fantastic memory for details of things in the past, but I am horrible at remembering names!
19- I am addicted to Trader Joe's Chocolate-flavored European yogurt.
20- I have been known to drink a glass of wine while watching Intervention (but that was mainly when it came on Friday nights!!).
21- I cried (a little) when I found out mini#2 was a boy. Now I cannot imagine life without my boys.
22- I own WAY too shoes. Not kidding. What girl doesn't?
23- I hate moths.
24- I feel asleep in the carpool line once. How embarrassing.
25- I will go to Wimbledon one day! To watch, not to play. I don't even play tennis anymore, but love to watch it, especially Wimbledon.
26- I love parking in an end spot...you know where another car only parks on one side.
27- I grew up a UNC (Carolina) fan but went to NC State University. That's a huge thing! I applied to these 2 schools only and was wait listed for UNC forever, but loved NC State right away.
28- I'm a Chi Omega sister.
29- I say "rabbit" the first word when I wake up on the first day of the month. My mom started that for luck years ago. It drives me crazy now having to remember it!
30- I loved dressing up professionally for work. Put me in heels and a dress and I feel great. I miss that!
31- That being said, I am not a sweats person. At all. Last time I wore sweat pants was when I was pregnant and borrowed a pair of Mr. Pink's.
32- That being said, I love buying nice workout clothes. Not expensive ones. I just don't like shorts and a t-shirt. Must get this from my mom. She has always been DRESSED and girly.
33- I vent on this blog about my boys, but mini#1 is connected to me in quite a rare level I believe. We can talk. We get each other. I love this kid.
34- Mini#2 keeps me sane because he makes me laugh constantly. We talk, but we don't quite get each other yet! I think it has something to do him thinking/talking/dreaming about sports 24/7 and he's sometimes just out of my league!
I love him and will be his biggest fan on the sidelines for years to come.
35- Am I done yet? People said I looked like Laura Ingalls when I was little. Have I posted that before?
36- My freckles are finally becoming useful. They're starting to camouflage
37- I buy cookbooks in every city we visit.
38- I love taking pictures. Just not Christmas photo pictures.
39- I will not do one of these lists again.
40- I am officially 40. OMG!!!
I hope it is a good day and year.
There are many good things to come.
40 is just a number.
Happy Birthday
You are the cutest 40 year old ever!!! Happy Birthday!!!!! Love this list! So fun to know more about you!
Happy birthday! Loved your list.....we could be sisters separated at birth. Except I love me some sweats. haha.
Happy 40th Birthday! May it be your best yet. xx
Happy, happy day!!! This was a great list- I love these kind of posts! I hope you are enjoying your cake and your time with your parents!!
Thanks everyone for your sweet comments!! Much appreciated!!
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