Yes, it's here. I'm 40 today. OMG!!! I'm trying to embrace this number, but how did I get here? Doesn't seem possible! Anyway, I'm probably eating cake with my parents right now as I'm visiting them in Charlotte. On a side note my mother and usually my dad always call me at 10:42 a.m. the time of my birth. Isn't that sweet? These past few years they sung Happy Birthday together. Anyway, I am going to attempt to write a list of 40 things about me today. Here goes.
1- I'm left-handed and I do everything left-handed!
2- I have to eat popcorn at the movies.
3- I love foreign films.
4- I love anything that's of harlequin pattern.
5- I love the fleur-de-lis symbol.
6- Giving up Brie when pregnant was probably harder for me than alcohol.
7- I had only been 18 for about a week when I went off to college. BABY!
8- I met my husband that first weekend at college (frat party!), but we didn't date until a few months later.
9- I love crablegs.
10- I love sea scallops.
11- I am loving pilates these days.
12- Mini#2 loves practicing pilates with me.
13- I am the oldest child.
14- I love shopping.
15- I love reality TV.
16- I do not have an ipod.
17- I may be getting an iphone, but am scared at having to learn how to use one.
18- I have a fantastic memory for details of things in the past, but I am horrible at remembering names!
19- I am addicted to Trader Joe's Chocolate-flavored European yogurt.
20- I have been known to drink a glass of wine while watching Intervention (but that was mainly when it came on Friday nights!!).
21- I cried (a little) when I found out mini#2 was a boy. Now I cannot imagine life without my boys.
22- I own WAY too shoes. Not kidding. What girl doesn't?
23- I hate moths.
24- I feel asleep in the carpool line once. How embarrassing.
25- I will go to Wimbledon one day! To watch, not to play. I don't even play tennis anymore, but love to watch it, especially Wimbledon.
26- I love parking in an end spot...you know where another car only parks on one side.
27- I grew up a UNC (Carolina) fan but went to NC State University. That's a huge thing! I applied to these 2 schools only and was wait listed for UNC forever, but loved NC State right away.
28- I'm a Chi Omega sister.
29- I say "rabbit" the first word when I wake up on the first day of the month. My mom started that for luck years ago. It drives me crazy now having to remember it!
30- I loved dressing up professionally for work. Put me in heels and a dress and I feel great. I miss that!
31- That being said, I am not a sweats person. At all. Last time I wore sweat pants was when I was pregnant and borrowed a pair of Mr. Pink's.
32- That being said, I love buying nice workout clothes. Not expensive ones. I just don't like shorts and a t-shirt. Must get this from my mom. She has always been DRESSED and girly.
33- I vent on this blog about my boys, but mini#1 is connected to me in quite a rare level I believe. We can talk. We get each other. I love this kid.
34- Mini#2 keeps me sane because he makes me laugh constantly. We talk, but we don't quite get each other yet! I think it has something to do him thinking/talking/dreaming about sports 24/7 and he's sometimes just out of my league!
I love him and will be his biggest fan on the sidelines for years to come.
35- Am I done yet? People said I looked like Laura Ingalls when I was little. Have I posted that before?
36- My freckles are finally becoming useful. They're starting to camouflage
age spots.
37- I buy cookbooks in every city we visit.
38- I love taking pictures. Just not Christmas photo pictures.
39- I will not do one of these lists again.
40- I am officially 40. OMG!!!