What a great weekend! It was in the 60's both days and sunny. Saturday the kids played in the backyard and Mrs. Pink even played a little soccer with mini#2. He said "Mommy, you're good!" It was funny. I suppose this is because I didn't let him get by me EVERY time. Saturday night we had the cub scout Blue and Gold ceremony and banquet. Yawn...but the food was yummy and the kids had a good time. I sat writing checks for rechartering, a camp out and a pledge to Boy Scouts of America!
Yesterday, it was time for me to get together with my friend to see Oscar-nominated movies as we like to do every year. We went to see 2 yesterday (Mr. Pink drove to his dad's house 2 hours away with the minis so they had good male bonding time!).

First we saw The Blind Side and I really enjoyed it though nothing was a surprise since I'd seen a few interviews with the actual family the movie is based upon. Sandra Bullock was good, but Oscar worthy, not-so-sure.
We had an hour and a half to kill before the second movie in Five Points, Raleigh area so we went to an Irish Pub and ordered, of course, wine. ?! We did some venting and catching up and then went to the second movie, Crazy Heart.

The Rialto in Raleigh serves beer and wine so we each grabbed another glass of mommy's little helper and settled into our next movie. Jeff Bridges should win the Oscar. Very convincing as a washed up, alcoholic country singer. It was a bit depressing and tiring to watch him struggle with his addiction. Maggie Gyllenhael was very good in this movie, as well.
After this movie we stopped in for some Chinese food and then we headed home rejuvenated to two husbands and three little boys who had each survived the day with their daddies!
Hope you all had great weekends, too. Today, it's MONDAY, RAINY and in the 40's again! Yuck!