Imagine my surprise when, en route to our dinner reservation at the House of Blues in Downtown Disney last week, I saw HUGE flowing banners with her pictures, larger than life, on the side of a nearby building. As we walked closer we saw that it was a traveling exhibit I had heard some mention of, but had no clue that it was in Orlando! After dinner we all went into the exhibit. What an unexpected treat! I got to see 5 of her actual gowns purchased at a Christie's auction shortly before she died in '97. One being the below black velvet gown she wore for an official portrait in 1985 (below). It had a unique black rosette at the neckline in the back. The other one that I really remembered her wearing was the stunning long white, sequined halter dress she wore on a solo visit to the US in '95 or '97 (can't remember at the moment). To see it in front of me was really awesome. I saw an actual piece of her wedding cake (it was fruitcake so not even moldy, just VERY DRY looking) in a special gift box someone had taken home from the reception. I saw letters she had written, furniture she had and a china doll of her in her amazing wedding gown and train. I felt 11 all over again seeing all of this up close and personal. This really made my vacation. My oldest son really enjoyed it, too because he knew what a "fan" I was of her. Don't you just love it when you stumble across something you weren't expecting?