Did you watch part 1 of the reunion last night? What did you think? I still love Teresa (incorrect English and all). She's a shopper. My kind of girl except my wallet isn't full of endless cash. I feel sorry for Jacqueline caught in the middle of Danielle drama, but love that woman's thick, pretty hair. Danielle just needs to leave. Caroline needs to ease up a bit. And Dina really has a husband I learned (just wanted no part of filming). Can't wait for part 2. That's when it's going to be heated! And I loved how the "family" sat on one side and Teresa got stuck sitting with Danielle on the opposite couch.
I recoreded it on my DVR, watching it tonight! These ladies are so dramatic, I can't wait!
Dina and her husband were on an episode of "Platinum Weddings" last year. He is a bit of a jerk to put it lightly. And I agree...Caroline really needs to lighten up. I'm sick of the "Godfather" attitude. We get it...Your family is important!;o)
I DVR'd it and watched just a little already - can't wait for round 2! I'm not so sure about Teresa...something's just a little off there and I'm not just talking about how ditzy she is. Danielle - yeah, she is such a distraction now I wonder if she'll come back for Season 2. Caroline takes the whole family thing a little too far, and obviously thinks her word is the last word. Overall though, I did love this season of the NJ wives and will definitely tune in again next season.
I didn't see it! do you know when it will play again?! I love RH of NJ!
I saw the previews but did not watch the series. It looked so wonderfully nasty! How could I have missed it!!! I will not make this mistake next season! ;)
Didn't it seem like this season was so short compared with other RH series? I can't believe that Danielle thinks she's only had botox and "bubbies"...her face is too weird. Did you watch the preview to Prep school- the rich NYC kids. Oh my word! Love our reality shows.
Dina kind of fascinates me with her laid backness and I love the mafia feel of "the family". Danielle is so trashy!
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