I've had a couple people ask me about this book. I have enjoyed some of her previous books (The Pilot's Wife, Where or When, The Last Time They Met) so decided to read another, although isn't Anita Shreve known for "depressing" subject matters? I finished this book Tuesday. It was rainy all day so I did laundry and read and read because I wanted to see how it ended! It left me wanting a little more, but not wondering WTH happened like when I recently finished "Harvesting the Heart" by Jodi Picoult.
Basically, and I'm a horrible book reviewer as I've mentioned before, Sydney, the main character finds herself at 29, 2 years into unexpected widowhood, tutoring an 18 year old girl (Julie)for her SAT's while spending the summer at her family's beach house in NH. The girl is a little "slow". This is all that readers are told, but seems mildly autistic. Anyway, Julie has two brothers, Jeff and Ben who visit this beach house and thus begins the real story involving a love triangle while exploring all the dynamics of this family. The matriarch is a witch with a "b"! There are twists and turns, disappointments, new beginnings. All of that. It was a very good read. If you're going to the beach this summer, take this book along. You'll like it.
I may try The Weight of Water or Sea Glass next. Those were recommended to me by bloggers and friends. Twilight will have to wait a while longer.
Tonight is our "Girls' Night Out" night which replaces Bunco this year. Tonight it's yoga and wine. The girl hosting is having someone come teach us some yoga moves. I'm excited. I have always wanted to try it. And wine afterwards. Perfect!
girls night out sounds fun! Enjoy!
Anita Shreve is very high on my list of favorite authors, but honestly I have been a bit disappointed in her more recent books, including this one. I feel like she is getting a little less "deep" in her character and plot building. My very favorite book of her is "Eden Close". I own two copies and have read it at least 5 times. (And yes, it is depressing but so, so good.)
Thanks for the review! I recently read "Sea Glass". I really liked it. I think Anita Shreve is great at writing very good characters. Some of her books do seem more researched, thought out and deeper or more intense than others but I think when you write many books that's bound to happen. "Sea Glass" is not a light and fun book though so if you want something a little sunnier and happy you might want to wait a little while to read it. An author I've read recently and for years is Richard Russo. His books are wonderful and some are very funny, such as "Straight Man". I just finished "Bridge of Sighs". He also wrote "Empire Falls" which was made into an HBO movie.
Jillian- I was a little disappointed, too. I wanted more closure...I agree, earlier works seem deeper, more developed.
Aimala- I read "Bridge of Sighs" for book club last summer. Very good (although we all agreed it could have been 200 pages shorter!). Also saw Empire Falls on HBO. Both excellent!
I have become gun shy on picking up a new read. Lately, I have started reading a few and either they are so depressing or lack luster. I am longing to read something good. Maybe this is it. :)
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