Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bed and Breakfast?

So the election is over and I feel like a bad hangover is finally lifting after all of the negativity and everyone's "opinions." We all have them. Me included. Around the Pink house we have just about finished all of our Halloween candy. Yes, "we" because I cannot help but helping myself to those bite-sized temptations. I've switched out Halloween decorations for Thanksgiving decorations and am gearing up to host my parents for Thanksgiving.

This post is mainly to dump a few photos I took on a recent trip home to my parents' home in Charlotte. They bought this house 10 years ago so it's not the house I grew up in, but it sure feels homey to me so I wanted to share. My mom should run a bed and breakfast...well dad, too because he is an awesome cook! They host parties, luncheons and showers quite a bit with their friends. She also has the gift of setting tables for these said events, but that's another post in itself. I think her creative gene passed me right on by. Thank goodness for Pinterest! So without further adieu, here is a glimpse of their home.

 The bedroom Mr. Pink and I stay in when we visit. LOVE this dove blue/robin's egg-ish color!
The same room; different angle.

Cute artwork on the wall. Mix of antique and Homegoods.

This is the room the minis stay in. Again she has great touches all around.

The sun room is our favorite place for all to gather and talk or read. Love her pink and green.

Mini#1 loves this spot!
The daybed we all lounge on. Notice the cute candelabra with pink candles in the corner.

I should have taken pictures of her bedroom and other rooms. Maybe I'll do a Christmas version after we visit over the holidays. Have a great rest of the day!


Barrett said...

Very nice!

I do love that color of blue also. That is a great bedroom.

The Mrs. said...

Wow they really should! So cute!