...I volunteered at the 5th grade Field Day. Thankfully the clouds provided relief from the sun while I helped out for 2 1/2 hours.
...I was asked by my 5th grader "So mom. You really have periods (said while scrunching up his face) every month?" And, yes, we discussed periods and a few other things he's learning in their puberty unit at school.
...I've been driving a sporty Chevrolet Impala (amazing air conditioning!)while awaiting the body shop to finish some "minor" repairs and turned out not-so-minor after Mr. Pink ran over debris at 70 mph coming home from the airport after our "free" trip to Panama.
...I went to a class at the gym every day this week! Cardio muscle, Pilates, Pilates, Muscle and Cycle and plan on Pilates again tomorrow. I wonder if this has anything to do with the pool opening tomorrow? Ha! No, I'm a regular. Just not 6 days a week like this will be.
...I skyped my sis-in-law and baby nephew this morning with my kids. That baby is a month old and so precious. I love how he stares so seriously at the computer screen while sucking on his pacifier.
...I returned from a trip alone last weekend to Charlotte to visit my parents. It was nice being with just them. We shopped and went out to eat. It was a nice mom break. Mr. Pink survived getting the kids to 4 soccer games, a cub scout cookout and a baseball game. I made the baseball game.
...I bought tickets to the Carolina Railhawks vs. LA Galaxy soccer game coming up Tuesday night in Raleigh. The Railhawks qualified to be in this US Cup game. All I can say is I have never been so excited to go to a soccer game and I am counting down the days to see David Beckham. OMG. He better come, too. I will be so disappointed if he doesn't. Landon Donovon is already practicing with the US team for the Olympics and Beckham isn't far behind with the England team. If he is there I will try my best to throw strawberry shake on him so he has to remove his shirt. Have you seen that Burger King commercial?? Love it!!
Have a great Memorial weekend!
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3 years ago
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