It's the day I became a mom. My 4 week early 5 pound 11
ouncer is now 11 (and not much heavier!). He is a great kid and I enjoy our talks so much. The other day I chaperoned his 5
th grade field trip and I caught myself
mesmerized more than once by his happy-go-lucky spirit with his classmates; his "
joie de vivre". It made me jealous and realize that, sometimes, I feel like my
joie de vivre needs a kick in the pants! This may sound "
braggy", but hopefully, not. I want to tell you more about this kid I feel so blessed to be a part of sharing his life and being his mom.
He laughs from deep within.
He sings so sweetly and passionately.
He writes his grandparents letters "just because."
He has a memory like a sponge.
He is the most creative kid I know. 2 award winning "most creative" Pinewood Derby cars, won a bookmark contest in 1st grade and writes amazing stories full of wow-factor!
He takes up for other kids and "does the right thing."
He had his own cheering section at the last pep rally as he vied for the title of "Spirit King." One girl even made signs for HIM the night before.
He can dance like you wouldn't believe. Just wait until those school dances!
He runs like an Olympic runner....even in flip-flops! He's signed up for runner's camp this summer.
He has a merciful heart. I'm reminded when a girl his age lost her mother last fall. He bravely
went up to her at recess soon after and expressed his heartfelt condolences to her even though he didn't know her (although her brother and mini#2 were in preschool together).
He is a voracious reader.
He makes the most AMAZING cartoon-like cards for birthdays, holidays. He totally had my mom and me in tears at Christmas by the words he wrote to us. So personal, so mini#1.
He will tell you every detail you want to know about his day, a party, an event, etc. I love that! Mini#2...
ummm, not so much. ha!
I'll stop here, but will just say I am one lucky mom. Today I celebrate his big 11 and hope for many, many more birthdays to come. Happy Birthday G-
itty bitty (we called him this when he was an
infant. Ha!)!